Tag - business activities

get residence permits

Get residence permits in Slovenia via business migration

Foreigners can get residence permits in Slovenia on different grounds. Usually, the most common basis is employment, self-employment or work. Also, there are other reasons to migrate in Slovenia and obtain residence permits. For instance, studies or family reunification. However, what are the other ways? One of the most common way is to register your own company and employ [...]

Conditions for company registration

Conditions for company registration in Slovenia

The conditions for company registration are defined by the Companies Act (ZGD-1). What is that? What conditions you will need to fullfill? Or what about the conditions for registering a company (s.p. or d.o.o.) at the DATA spot? Are there any special conditions? Also what documents you will need? If you have any dilemmas about starting a company, you [...]

start a construction company

Start a construction company in Slovenia – a business boom!

Do you want to start a construction company in Slovenia? Do you know under which type of company can you register it? If you are not sure, don’t worry! This article will explore the basic conditions and more. Also, did you know that Slovenia offers a lot of business advantages? Do you know some of them? In either case, [...]

Business address and virtual office

Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia

Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia Business address and virtual office of a company in Slovenia is a need for every company that registers in Slovenia. Do you know what do you need to register it? To register your company in the Business Register of Slovenia, it must have an address. The business address of the [...]

Ltd business activities - which do you choose most often?

Ltd business activities – which do you choose most often?

Ltd business activities – which do you choose most often? Entrepreneurs usually follow our recommendations for Ltd businesses activities. Do you plan to set up a Ltd in Slovenia? Do you know that there are more types of activities within the classification of activities? However, there are some conditions for them. Do you need advice? We can help with one-on-one [...]

Company type in Slovenia - differences between s.p. and ltd

Company type in Slovenia – differences between s.p. and ltd

Do you want to open a company in Slovenia, but you are not sure which company type is best for you? There are two types you can choose. Those are s.p. (sole proprietorship) and ltd (limited liability company). This article will explore the differences between them. Do you want to know more about the company registration procedure? Don’t wait! [...]

Expand your business in EU - open a branch in Slovenia

Expand your business in EU – open a branch in Slovenia

Would you like to know how to expand your business in EU by opening a branch office of your company in Slovenia? We at DATA can provide you with all needen information. As well as give you advice if this is the right hoice for you, regarding your business plan. In addition we can also offer a wide range [...]

Limited liability company - why is it a better choice?

Limited liability company – why is it a better choice?

A limited liability company is one form of company The limited liability company is the most famous form of company in the world and in Slovenia! It is a legal entity. Who can open it? Members who pay share capital can open it. In general, the minimum amount is 7,500 EUR. Firstly, both natural or legal persons can open LTD. [...]

Open a company in Slovenia and send workers to EU

Open a company in Slovenia and send workers to EU

To open a company in Slovenia is very easy process if you have the right informations and know who to ask. If you need advice and help, we are the right address. We helped over 1000 clients to establish their companies.  Start your own business in Slovenia now! Open a company in Slovenia and send workers to EU countries Doing business in [...]

What type of company

What type of company in Slovenia is the best for you

There are few types of companies in Slovenia, but what type of company is the best choice for you? If you have decided to open a company, first you need to know what are the diferences and which one suits you best! You are planning to start a business but are not quite sure what type of business to [...]
