Registered address of your company in Slovenia

Registered address of your company in Slovenia

If you plan on starting a business in Europe, you can register a company in Slovenia and enter the EU market with your Slovenian company. In Slovenia, you cannot open a company without a registered company address. What are the conditions for this registered company address?

Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company registration and business immigration!

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Data d.o.o. has been offering support to foreign citizens with their business in Slovenia In addition to company registration services, we also provide professional accounting services. We also have specialized legal advisors that support business owners with every aspect of business Slovenian legislation. Also, you can follow us on Facebook.

Registered address of your company in Slovenia

In Slovenia, you cannot register a company without a registered address which your company will have in the country. When submitting the company’s act of establishment to court, you would need to present a business address for your company. The registered address has to be in Slovenia, but it can be in any municipality. For most business activities, you can also register it in a residential property, not necessarily in commercial property like an office.

Are you considering opening a company in Slovenia and buying real estate? Apply also for our free webinar on this topic here:

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What documents do you have to collect for your registered company address in Slovenia?

In the process of company registration, you have to present to the consultant at the VEM point information on your company’s registered address. If you are not the owner of the business premises, you would need approval from the owner. They will have to be at least 25% owner of the premises in order to be able to issue you this confirmation. The owner will then have to fill out a statement about the consent for the business address. Then, they will have to have it notarized by either the notary or the administrative unit.

If you conduct the registration at a VEM point, like here at DATA, the owner can notarize this statement free of charge here. However, the statement has a validity of only 30 days in which you need to conduct the company registration. Otherwise you would have to receive a new statement from the owner allowing your company to have the registered company address there.

Are you wondering what are the most popular business activities in Slovenia? Apply for our free webinar where we will discuss this topic and the conditions for these businesses:


Making modifications of the business address

After the company is registered, you can also change the business address at any given time. If you have registered your company at a VEM point, you can perform the modification here free of charge. Again, you would need to bring the statement of the owner of the business address to make the change. To make the change, the legal representative would have to come to the VEM point.

Are you planning to start your business in Slovenia? Contact DATA for full support!

If you do not know which of the choices is most suitable for your business do not hesitate to contact DATA d.o.o. for support! Send us an email to You can also call us on +386 1 6006 270, Viber/Whatsapp +386 40 530 718 or skype data.business7.

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