Name of the company in Slovenia, EU

Name of the company in Slovenia, EU

If you plan on starting a new business in Slovenia one of the first decisions you will have make is how you plan on naming your company. Choosing a company name might seem simple but there are some rules that you have to follow in accordance with the legislation.

Name of the company in Slovenia, EU – necessary components

The name of the company is the first contact that a client will have when researching your services or products. It has to draw attention and also describe the company’s business activities. So, when registering the company in Slovenia, you have to choose the name wisely.

When choosing the name of the company, you have to make sure that it includes all the components that are required by law. It has to clearly state the business that the company is conducting and cannot relate to a business activity that the company does not offer. Additionally, it also has to clearly differentiate itself from other companies.

The name has to be in Slovene language. You can then translate it to other language but it is used only with the Slovene name. Should you want to use foreign words, you can do so if they are shareholder names, registered brands, fictious names or using a dead language. Therefore, you still have options if you plan on doing business in Europe, not only in Slovenia.

Are you considering company registration in Slovenia, EU?

Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us on [email protected].


When can the registration court reject your company name?

In Slovenia, there is legislation covering also the field of naming your company. It states that the company cannot use names, symbols or signs from other countries or international organizations. For example, you can only use »Slovenia« and its derivations in your company name if you receive approval from the government.

Names, surnames and nicknames of historic figures or other memorable people cannot be a part of the company name, unless you get approval from the person or their next of kin and the Minister of Public Administration.

Additionally, the company name cannot include words or signs, which:

  • oppose the law or morale,
  • include famous brands or other signs of another beneficiary,
  • include or mimic official signs.

The court registry can reject the proposal for company registration, if the company does not abide by the above-mentioned rules or can be obviously distinguishable from other already existing companies in Slovenia.

Suggestions for naming your company

To avoid complications in the company registration process we suggest to choose a company name that:

  • is easy to pronounce,
  • has a meaning connected to the activity of your company,
  • is easy to spell and memorable,
  • is appropriate and common.

Register a company in Slovenia with assistance of company Data d.o.o.

If establishing a company in Slovenia is something you are considering to start, look no further for assistance. Data can offer you services of consultation and assistance throughout the process.

The professional legal department can help you to choose a name of the company that abides by the Slovenian legislation. They also draft contracts and consult on other matters connected to your business conduct.

Data has a team of skilled accountants that make sure your books are kept in accordance to Slovene accountancy standards.

Additionally, we are a licensed VEM point and can perform company registrations on-site.

Should your company require a business address, we can provide services of virtual office.

For more information on company registration in Slovenia, you can write to us on our email [email protected]. You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.

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