Living in Slovenia

Company registered address in Slovenia

Company registered address in Slovenia

Every company in Slovenia requires to have a company registered address. This goes both for the LTD and the sole trader. When registering the address at premises you do not own, you need explicit consent of the owner. What is this statement and how does it look like? What is the process to have a company registered address in [...]

EU Blue Card conditions for obtaining it and level of education

EU Blue Card: conditions for obtaining it and level of education

The EU Blue Card is a document with which a non-EU citizen is allowed to enter and reside in Slovenia. They can also carry out work due to highly qualified employment. What level of education does it require? What are the other conditions for such a work permit? Find out what the EU Blue Card offers and what you [...]

Free online webinars on business in Slovenia - vacancies for January!

Free online webinars on business in Slovenia – vacancies for January!

Once the new year starts, many entrepreneurs decide to also expand their business to a new territory. New entrepreneurs start fulfilling their New Year’s resolutions and start a new business. At DATA, we want to help entrepreneurs and offer free online webinars to discuss various topics of business conduct in Slovenia. Check out the dates available in January 2021 [...]

Health insurance in Slovenia for foreigners and their families

Health insurance in Slovenia for foreigners and their families

The health insurance regime ensures the medical and social security of the individual.  It covers costs of treatment and care. Coverage of costs from compulsory health insurance is provided by the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS). You can take out supplementary health insurance with commercial providers. It extends also to foreign entrepreneurs and workers, along with their families. Are [...]

Attend our free webinars on business in Slovenia! New dates available!

Attend our free webinars on business in Slovenia! New dates available!

Starting a business in Slovenia is a popular choice for foreigners. It also gives them access to move to Europe and cooperate with the whole EU! At DATA, we are doing the free webinars which cover topics of business in Slovenia. Attend one of the new dates in December 2020 and in January 2021! DATA d.o.o. can support you with [...]

Close family members and temporary residence permit in Slovenia

Close family members and temporary residence permit in Slovenia

Residence permit for close family members is a topic which entrepreneurs in Slovenia often ask about. At the time of the pandemic, the process to apply has become more complex. You can find the options in our article. Are you interested to start a business in Europe? Do you know what is best for the success of your business? Apply now [...]

Webinar sessions on business in Slovenia - apply now!

Webinar sessions on business in Slovenia – apply now!

Are you considering starting a business or relocate to Europe? Slovenia offers simple programs for company registration. Experts at DATA will explain it in the webinar sessions. We have added new dates in December and January. Also, all our webinar sessions are free of charge! DATA d.o.o. has been offering support to entrepreneurs with their business in Europe.  In addition to company registration [...]

Reminder apply for our free webinars on business immigration to Slovenia!

Reminder: apply for our free webinars on business immigration to Slovenia!

At DATA, we are trying to inform entrepreneurs about the various ways they can engage in business immigration to Slovenia. As paths for EU citizens and non-EU citizens differ, we have prepared two separate webinars where entrepreneurs from all over the word can find out the most suitable path for them. Reminder – you can still apply for both [...]

Europe immigration statistics - Slovenia is a top choice in the EU

Europe immigration statistics – Slovenia is a top choice in the EU

According to international statistics the decision to relocate to Europe, for business or employment purposes, is a very popular choice amongst third-country nationals. Just last year more than 3 million non-EU citizens have received a residence permit for one of the EU member states. 1.2 million of them were issued for business or employment purposes. Amongst the Europe immigration [...]

Online presentations about business in Slovenia vacancies in December

Online presentations about business in Slovenia: vacancies in December

Experts at company DATA have started to share their knowledge about various topics on business in Slovenia with entrepreneurs all over the world through online presentations. We started in April and will keep continuing with them on a weekly basis. All our webinars are free and you can check the dates in December below! Data d.o.o. has been offering support [...]
