
Business help - we offer full business support in Slovenia, Europe

Business help – we offer full business support in Slovenia, Europe

Business help in Slovenia Do you need business help? Our company Data can help you from the moment when you start considering about establishing a business in Slovenia. Many entrepreneurs choose Slovenia, because it`s a country of great business opportunities. Business help – process of establishing your company Before registering your company in Slovenia, you have to obtain the Slovenian VAT number and [...]

Immigration to Europe, Slovenia - step by step instruction

Immigration to Europe, Slovenia – step by step instruction

Business immigration to Europe from countries that are not members of the EU is the option that many entrepreneurs consider. Many businessman register a company in foreign country and start a new life. Based on the company registration, the foreign citizen can obtain a work and residence permit. Immigration to Europe, Slovenia from non-EU member countries consists of several [...]

Register a company and start a business in Slovenia

How to register a company and start your own business

How to register a company and start your own business in Slovenia, Europe Are you wondering how to register a company in Europe? We recommend you to start your business in one of the safest countries in Europe – Slovenia. Slovenia is a country of great business opportunities for foreign citizens. It is a beautiful country, where you can provide [...]

Different types of business in Slovenia

Types of business that you can register in Slovenia

Do you want to open a company in Slovenia? Or you are just interested in types of business in Slovenia? In this article, we will describe different types of business in Slovenia. Which are the most common types of business in Slovenia? The most common types of business in Slovenia are Private Entrepreneur and Private Limited Company. Other possible types of buisness are: Unlimited Liability Company, Public [...]

Open a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe

Open a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe

Which activities you have to register in order to open a restaurant in Slovenia? Are you considering to open a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe? Whan kind of business is this? Either: Preparation and sale of food and drinks in the restaurants, bars etc. Sale of food products on wheels or a restaurant on the ship – as independent units. Open a restaurant – What [...]

New company in Europe, Slovenia – register it in a day!

New company in Europe, Slovenia – register it in a day!

Are you considering to register a new company in Slovenia, Europe as a foreign citizen? How to register a new company in Slovenia as a foreign citizen? Our legal advisors have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to register a company in Slovenia. For the company registration in Slovenia you will have to prepare the following documentation: Choose the name of the company Business address The founders [...]

Limited Company in Europe - free of charge registration!

Limited Company in Europe – free of charge registration!

Limited Company in Slovenia, Europe – Free of charge registration! The most frequent form of the company in Slovenia is Limited Company (LTD). Firstly, a Limited Company is a legal entity. Secondly, shareholders are not personally responsible for the liabilities of the company, except for the obligation to pay up their capital contributions. Limited Company is a good choice for every entrepreneur, which desires to [...]

How to start a business in Slovenia, Europe?

How to start a business in Slovenia, Europe?

How to start a business in Slovenia, Europe? You can register your company at one of “One-Stop Shops” in Slovenia. The procedure is fast, easy and free of charge. Since 2005 you can register your business also in our company “Data”. If you would like to know how to start a business in Slovenia and you need a full [...]

Slovenia, EU – country of great business opportunities

Slovenia, EU – country of great business opportunities

Slovenia offers many business opportunities for foreign citizens. It is a beautiful country, where you can provide a great future for yourself and your family. If you are considering moving to Slovenia and start your business here, we can offer you a full support. Why foreign citizens choose Slovenia? To begin with, Slovenia is one of the safest countries in the [...]
