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Accounting service in Slovenia and bookkeeping

Accounting service in Slovenia and bookkeeping

Accounting service in Slovenia is the most important part of every company. All Slovenian companies must keep accounting records and once a year make a balance sheet. This is dictated by the Law on Slovenian companies and in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. Double-entry bookkeeping system Double-entry bookkeeping is the most transparent way of recording. Under [...]

Visa in Slovenia

Visa in Slovenia – how to receive it?

Who needs a visa in Slovenia? An EU citizen does not need a visa in Slovenia to enter the country. Therefore, if you are an EU citizen, you will need just a valid travel document. While non-EU citizens need to have a visa to enter the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenian visa). The procedure of receiving a Slovenian visa is similar to [...]

Startup company in Slovenia - register it with our help

Startup company in Slovenia – register it with our help

Startup company is a newly established company that is trying to succeed with an innovative idea or product. Most often it is a small company that has carefully designed a short-term strategy for success. Especially relevant for startup company is to achieve high profits from the sale of their products and services that do not exist anywhere in other [...]

Family reunion in Slovenia, EU

Family reunion in Slovenia – when and how?

Opportunities for family reunion in Slovenia When foreigners are considering to migrate to Slovenia, one of the first questions is how and when to reunite family members. That’s why, in this article, we will present you the conditions that must be met for family reunion in Slovenia. Family reunion in Slovenia: the first step is business immigration To obtain a work and [...]

Migration to Slovenia – what do you have to know?

Migration to Slovenia – what do you have to know?

The company “DATA” offers full support with migration to Slovenia. Our legal advisors can advise you on migration law and on how to obtain work and residence permit in Slovenia. If you are considering opening a company in Slovenia, you can obtain a single work and residence permit for you, your family and for your future employees. The application for [...]

How to start a business in Slovenia

Start a business in Slovenia – how to?

Before moving to Slovenia it is recommended to review your options and learn how to start a business in Slovenia. Our company “DATA” is engaged in company registration and consulting our clients on how to start a business in Slovenia, as well as providing support in further steps after the registration of the company is already finished. “DATA” is [...]

Obtaining an EU Blue card in Slovenia

Obtaining an EU Blue card in Slovenia

The EU Blue card in Slovenia is a special permit for living and working in the Republic of Slovenia for foreign citizens (citizens of non-EU member states), who are highly qualified specialists. With EU Blue card in Slovenia you will obtain work and residence permit in Slovenia. Who can receive an EU Blue card in Slovenia? If you are a highly [...]

Registering an LTD in Slovenia

Registering an LTD in Slovenia – where to start?

In the process of registering an LTD in Slovenia, you have to take into account a several key steps. First step – name the directors and founders of the company First step of registering an LTD in Slovenia is to choose the form of your business and define the ownership of the company. Founder or co-founder can be a natural person [...]

Legal support in the process of moving to Slovenia

Legal support in the process of moving to Slovenia

Moving to Slovenia – before taking this decision, we recommend you to make a research on the legalization of Republic of Slovenia about work and residence of foreign citizens in Slovenia. In our company “DATA” we have our own legal department to help all those, who are thinking of moving to Slovenia in order to live and work here [...]

How to conduct a business in Slovenia if you are not an EU citizen?

How to conduct a business in Slovenia if you are not an EU citizen?

Many foreigners – non EU citizens who want to conduct a business in Slovenia, are wondering  how to do it and what type of company to open in Slovenia? Citizens of non EU members, who are legally living in Slovenia for a minimum of one year have the right to start and conduct a business in Slovenia as an individual [...]
