Business address in Slovenia is a “must” for every company
Business address in Slovenia is something you need if you register any kind of company in Slovenia. This is true for LTD and also for sole trader. Do you know what the conditions are to register it? In this article we explain how you can register it in a property you own and in a property you do not own.
Business address in Slovenia – you can register it at our VEM/SPOT point!
If you plan to do business in Europe, your company will need a business address. If you own the real estate in which you want to register your company’s address, then you do not need any special paperwork. But if you plan to register it in an office or house you do not own, you will need the owner’s consent. This consent comes in form of a notarized statement. You can notarize it also at our VEM/SPOT point if the owner comes with you for the company registration.
But how can you open a web shop in Slovenia/EU?
Can you register a business address in Slovenia without the owner’s consent?
In order to get consent from the owner of your business address in Slovenia, he will have to sign a statement. This statement will be within a special form. Then he has to notarize his signature. The content of the statement is important, not the form itself.
The form with which the owner allows the registration of an address must contain:
- data of the owner of the property (name, address, tax number);
- it must contain information on the real estate itself
- also, it needs to include information on the company which will be using the address (name, address, tax number).
Use our free salary calculator to also learn about the wage in Slovenia/EU
What are the responsibilities of the owner of the business space?
The owner who gives the consent to register a business address in Slovenia is liable for damages caused to the building. The owner cannot avoid them and put blame on the tennant.
You will also need to obtain an operating permit to be able to carry out acivities in private houses. This means you need to change the purpose of the property.
Can the owner also remove someone from their business address in Slovenia? The short answer is: yes. According to the law, the owner of the space may propose to start the procedure of the deletion of the company from the business address. The owner has to submit the request to the court.
Follow more up-to-date news for business in Slovenia and the EU on our Facebook and Instagram. In addition, every week we hold free webinars on business immigration in Slovenia.
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