Author - Alja Arko

VAT identification number and business in SloveniaEU

VAT identification number and business in Slovenia/EU

You need a VAT identification number for your business in Slovenia in certain cases. Not only for the companies, but also for the individuals who register as a sole trader. In this article we answer your questions, when a VAT identification number is required, as well as when it is a suitable option for your business. For more information [...]

Free online seminars on business in SloveniaEU

Free online seminars on business in Slovenia/EU

Do you plan on starting a business in Europe? Are you looking for the right country to do it? Consider Slovenia as your business destination in 2021! At DATA we are helping business people from all around the world to set up a company in Slovenia. To make these decisions easier, we also carry our free online seminars of [...]

Employment contract in SloveniaEU - information for employers

Employment contract in Slovenia/EU – information for employers

Do you plan to start a business in Europe and employ workers?  Then you would need an employment contract. The contract is the basis of any employment relationship. In addition to the Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1), the employer must also take into account other grounds. Those can be the collective agreement, internal acts and other acts in the field [...]

Sole proprietorship and flat-rate taxation in SloveniaEU

Sole proprietorship and flat-rate taxation in Slovenia/EU

Sole proprietorship (s.p.) is a company type for an individual, who will continue to work as a self-employed person. There are many reasons to set up your first s.p. Maybe the self-employed person has a hobby that will become a business option. You also perhaps plan to start a business on your own or agreed  with a potential client [...]

Capital of the company in SloveniaEU

Capital of the company in Slovenia/EU

The initial capital of a limited liability company (d.o.o.) in Slovenia is one of the conditions for the registration of a LTD in Slovenia. People from all over the world can register it in Slovenia. The process is fast and requires the least documentation. What amount of capital of the company do you need in order to register the [...]

Live webinar on various topics of business in SloveniaEU

Live webinar on various topics of business in Slovenia/EU

Since April 2020, experts at DATA have been sharing their knowledge with the world by hosting live webinars. During the year, there were several contents of these webinars. We continue to host them weekly and have prepared new dates for both webinars. One live webinar covers the topic of business setup in Slovenia. The other one explains the ways [...]

Business trip in SloveniaEU how to fill in a travel order correctly

Business trip in Slovenia/EU: how to fill in a travel order correctly?

Are you or your employees in Slovenia planning a business trip? For every business trip you need to make a travel order. This way you can compensate the expenses for the business trip. You must complete the travel order correctly. If not, it may result in an additional tax payment, which affects both the company and the employee. Properly [...]

Maximum annual leave in SloveniaEU

Maximum annual leave in Slovenia/EU

The annual leave is a labor right that someone gets when entering into a work relationship. The Law on Labor Relations (ZDR-1) says that every worker has to receive at least 4 weeks if he works 5 days a week. However, the annual leave can also be longer. Some collective agreements for the private sector set a maximum amount [...]

Value of real estate in SloveniaEU is rising good investment option

Value of real estate in Slovenia/EU is rising: good investment option

Value of real estate in Slovenia also increased significantly last year, despite the pandemic. It is growing despite the smaller number of transactions. The price of used flats in Ljubljana has risen to almost 3,000 EUR! Real estate is also a great investment for people who want to start a business in Europe! The value of real estate increased, but [...]

Free online lecture on business and residency in SloveniaEU

Free online lecture on business and residency in Slovenia/EU

Europe is the go-to destination for many foreign business people. They choose starting up their business or moving here because of the wide options they have for doing business. But within the many countries in EU, it is often difficult to choose which country is the most suitable for business in Europe. At DATA, experts will be explaining why [...]
