Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

When registering any company type in Slovenia, you will have to present an address for the company. It will have to be an address in Slovenia. Many foreigners mistakenly think that if they establish a branch office, they do not need to have an address of the company in Slovenia. But even a branch office, which is not a separate legal entity, requires to have a registered address in Slovenia, otherwise you cannot complete company registration.

Are you considering company registration in Slovenia?

Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us on [email protected].


Can the address of the company be in a residential space?

When doing business in Europe, many foreigners decide to make Slovenia their hub and they establish a company here.

Already in the process of company registration, the company is required to present a business address in Slovenia. While people mostly decide to register the address of the company on commercial property intended for office space, you can also decide to register it in residential property. This is possible for all business activities that perform a quiet activity and the legislation does not foresee specific business premises for its business in Slovenia.

What documents do you need to register the address of the company on a specific property?

You will already have to present the address of the company in the process of registration. To prove that you are allowed to register your company’s address there, you will need approval from the owner of the business address. The owner will have to fill out a specific statement and sign it to allow you to use his address as your company address. He will have to be at least 25% owner of the premises to be able to give his consent. Then he will have to notarize this statement either at the administrative unit or at the notary. If the person comes with you to do company registration at a VEM point in Slovenia, the consultant can also notarize the statement on-site.

The statement of the owner of the business address has an expiration date. When performing the company registration, it cannot be older than 30 days.

Register a company in Slovenia with the support of Data d.o.o.

If you are considering opening a company in Slovenia, Data d.o.o. can support you from A to Z.

As we are a licensed VEM point, you can register the company in our office free of charge.

Our consultants can also help you obtain all the other documents you need for company registration.

We have our own legal department that can help you to understand the Slovenian legislation. They can also draft contracts for your company.

Data also provides services of virtual office if your company is in need of an address of the company.

Additionally, we also provide services of accountancy and tax consultation.

If you plan to open a company in Slovenia and have additional questions, send us an e-mail to [email protected]. You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.

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