Tag - regulated business activities in Slovenia

Education and opening a company in Slovenia - is it required

Education and opening a company in Slovenia – is it required?

Education for starting a business is not a condition. But it is often necessary to carry out a certain activity. Entrepreneurs often approach our legal team and ask whether special education is a must just to open a business. The answer to the question is simple. You do not need special education to open a company in Slovenia. Are you [...]

Business activities that do not require licenses in Slovenia

Business activities that do not require licenses in Slovenia

Foreigners are becoming very interested in starting their business in Slovenia. But when it comes to choosing a business activity, they sometimes do not know if providing those services would result in having abide by additional regulations or obtain licenses. As they want to start their business in Europe soon and also want to generate revenue, they are frequently [...]

Business activities that require a craft license in Slovenia

Business activities that require a craft license in Slovenia

When you start your business in Slovenia by opening a company, you would also need to determine your main activity and accompanying business activities. All business activities that you can register are a part of the standard classification of activities (SKD). Some of them require obtaining a license from the Chamber of Crafts in order to do the business [...]

Standard classification of activities for Slovenian companies

Standard classification of activities for Slovenian companies

When starting your business in Slovenia, you would need to register a company here. In the process of company registration, you would have to choose business activities which you will engage in when doing your business in Europe. All of the possible activities you can register are listed in the standard classification of activities – SKD.Are you considering company [...]

Main activity of a company in Slovenia, EU

Main activity of a company in Slovenia, EU

If you are planning to start your business in Slovenia, you would need to choose a main activity for your company. You can register more than one business activity within the company, but you would have to decide which of them will be your company’s main activity.Are you considering company registration in Slovenia? Call us for more information to +386 [...]

Conditions for business activity - company in Slovenia, EU

Conditions for business activity – company in Slovenia, EU

Many entrepreneurs have decided to expand or start their business in Europe. Slovenia is a central European country, which has become quite a popular business destination within the EU. Entrepreneurs choose different business activities to provide to their clients but some of them might require the company to fulfill additional conditions before the start of business in Slovenia. Data d.o.o. [...]

Business activity of temporary employment agency

Business activity of temporary employment agency

If you are thinking about opening a company concentrating on finding suitable labor force for an employer, you can open a temporary employment agency in Slovenia. But it is a regulated business activity so you need to abide by specific regulations to provide such business in Slovenia. Business activity of temporary employment agency in Slovenia In order to start your business [...]

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering opening a company in Europe and have come across the possibility to do so in Slovenia? Learn which ideas for business activity are most commonly chosen by foreigners who decide to start their business in Slovenia. Frequently chosen ideas for business activity of a company in Slovenia, EU While local citizens tend to choose a wide variety [...]

Pastry shop as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Pastry shop as a business activity in Slovenia, EU

Different countries have different local cuisines and some are known for their baked goods. As a foreigner in Slovenia, you can introduce your country’s cuisine to the local population by opening a pastry shop in Slovenia. As the Slovenian market has become more multi-cultural over the years, traditional foreign cuisines are a hit when it comes to opening a [...]

Occupational licensing for certain business activities

Occupational licensing for certain business activities

If you are planning to bring to life your business idea on the European market, you can open a company in Slovenia to do it. But some business activities are a subject of occupational licensing in order to carry them out legally. What does occupational licensing mean? We have already written about regulated business activities in our previous articles. Those business [...]