Tag - register a company in Slovenia

Online stores flourished during the pandemic

Online stores flourished during the pandemic

Online stores are registered by almost every entrepreneur Online stores or sale of products online is an activity that every person can register at the Data Point. This way of selling experienced a real boom during the pandemic, when people ordered from groceries to technical equipment through online stores. Do you also want to expand your business to the European [...]

Statistics for companies with foreign ownership in Slovenia

Statistics for companies with foreign ownership in Slovenia

Business in Slovenia is blooming also due to foreign investment. The Statistical office of Slovenia (SURS) prepared a statistical analysis for the year 2017 where the focus was on companies in Slovenia, EU, that have foreign ownership. Data d.o.o. specializes in helping local and foreign entrepreneurs in their business in Europe by registering a company in Slovenia. The legal team [...]

Setting up an LTD company in Slovenia, Europe

Setting up an LTD company in Slovenia, Europe

Are you searching for a possibility to enter the EU market with your business idea? If the answer is affirmative, consider setting up an LTD company in Slovenia, EU. This will give you the possibility to present your ideas and products in the broad European market. Setting up an LTD company in Slovenia, Europe The process of setting up an LTD [...]

Starting a company in Slovenia – a short guide

Starting a company in Slovenia – a short guide

When starting a company in a new country, you have to be cautious that you follow the correct steps and gather all necessary documents. At Data, we prepared a short guide of company registration in Slovenia. Starting a company in Slovenia – Slovenian tax number Before you start doing business in Slovenia, you have to make sure that you have prepared [...]

Business owner and representative of the company

Business owner and representative of the company

One of the more frequently asked questions we get from foreigners when they are establishing a company in Slovenia is what is the difference between a business owner in Slovenia and representative. In this article, we will be describing the difference between them to clarify any doubts. Who is a business owner in a company in Slovenia? If you have decided [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia, Europe

How to register a company in Slovenia, EU?

Have you been thinking about doing business in Europe but are still deciding on the destination? Slovenia is one of Europe’s most attractive markets to start or expand a business. Learn how to register a company in Slovenia and proceed with offering your services or products in Europe. How to register a company in Slovenia, EU – Needed documents If you [...]

Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment

Are you considering opening a business to enter the European market? Would you also want to personally oversee the business by relocating to the location of your business? Consider opening a company in Slovenia, which gives you the opportunity for relocating here based on business establishment. Relocating to Slovenia based on company establishment – process of company registration Slovenia offers good [...]

Private company limited by shares (LTD) in Slovenia, EU

Private company limited by shares (LTD) in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering opening a company in Europe, but have not decided on a destination yet? Consider Slovenia as one of your options. A non-EU citizen can establish a private company limited by shares (LTD) in Slovenia. The process is fast and simple, which we will be explaining below. Private company limited by shares (LTD) in Slovenia, EU – [...]

Before opening a company in Slovenia – what to prepare?

Before opening a company in Slovenia – what to prepare?

If you have made the decision to open a company in Slovenia, EU, you will have to prepare certain documents in order to make the company registration. In this article we will be explaining what you have to prepare before you execute the company registration. Before establishing a company in Slovenia – Slovenian tax number One of the most important documents [...]

Programming and IT services as a business in Slovenia, EU

Programming and IT services as a business in Slovenia, EU

If you have been handling developing computer programs and are good with IT consultation, consider opening your own company. That way you can offer your services of programming and other IT related services to clients and generate income from it. Programming and IT services – what business activity must you register? In this day and age, skilled IT staff is very [...]