Tag - LTD company

Expanding your business to Slovenia, Europe

Expanding your business to Slovenia, Europe

Many foreign entrepreneurs are considering expanding their business to Europe as it offers lots of economic stability and offering services and products in an area with strong purchasing force. Slovenia is also one of the European countries that has become interesting to foreigners when it comes to expanding their business to. Expanding your business to Slovenia, Europe by opening a [...]

Benefits of a limited company in Slovenia, EU

Benefits of a limited company in Slovenia, EU

If you have been considering to open a new business in Europe, you can learn more about the benefits of a limited company in Slovenia, EU, to make your decision easier. Benefits of a limited company in Slovenia, EU – what is limited company (LTD)? If you want to do business in Slovenia, you would have to open a company first. [...]

What kinds of company can you establish in Slovenia, EU?

What kinds of company can you establish in Slovenia, EU?

Foreigners tend to turn to us with questions, what kinds of company they are allowed to establish in Slovenia that will also allow them do to business in the EU. We will be explaining the different kinds of company they can open and what the process of company registration would be for each type. What kinds of company can a [...]

Starting a new business in Slovenia, Europe

Starting a new business in Slovenia, Europe

Are you thinking about starting a new business in Europe and do not know where to begin? You can open a company in Slovenia and offer your services on the EU market, if you follow the steps below. Starting a new business in Slovenia, Europe – what company type can you register? When starting a new business in Slovenia, you have [...]

Business conduct in EU by opening a company in Slovenia

Business conduct in EU by opening a company in Slovenia

Are you considering developing your business idea and present it to the European market? Then opening a company in Slovenia is a good way to proceed with business conduct in the EU. Business conduct in EU – choosing the right destination Slovenia is a good choice for entering business conduct on European territory. It is located in central Europe and surrounded [...]

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Opening a company in Slovenia, EU

Have you been thinking about opening a company in Europe? If yes, Slovenia is a good choice to expand your business to. Below is a short guide on opening a company in Slovenia, with steps and timelines. Opening a company in Slovenia, EU – what kind of company can you open? If you are a non-EU citizen, you can open an [...]

Limited company (LTD) in Slovenia, Europe

Limited company (LTD) in Slovenia, Europe

Are you planning on developing or expanding your business in Europe? Open a limited company in Slovenia and enter the European market fast and easy. Limited company in Slovenia, Europe – what kind of company is it? A limited company is a private company limited by shares. It requires founding capital in the minimal amount of 7.500€. It can have up [...]

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU

Business opportunities for foreign entrepreneurs in Slovenia, EU In Slovenia there are a lot of business opportunities for foreigners who want to expand their business or start a new business in European Union. Foreign entrepreneurs can in Slovenia register: LTD company, branch office, subsidiary and after a year of residency in Slovenia you can as well become sole propriator. Business opportunities in [...]

Setting up a LTD company in Slovenia, Europe

Setting up a LTD company in Slovenia

LTD company is a private company limited by shares. In Slovenian it is called d.o.o. (»družba z omejeno odgovornostjo«). This is a company type, which can be established by any natural or legal person, regardless of nationality. In this article we will explain the process of setting up a LTD company. Setting up a LTD company in Slovenia – tax [...]

Opening a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe

Business idea: Opening a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe

Are you thinking about opening a restaurant in Slovenia, Europe? You can register a company in Slovenia, Europe – namely LTD, branch office, subsidiary or sole proprietor. If you are not an EU citizen, you can immediately open an LTD company in Slovenia. What are the condititons? The object where the restaurant is distributed should be in accordance with the minimum requirements for accommodation. [...]
