Tag - company registration

Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

Address of the company in Slovenia, EU

When registering any company type in Slovenia, you will have to present an address for the company. It will have to be an address in Slovenia. Many foreigners mistakenly think that if they establish a branch office, they do not need to have an address of the company in Slovenia. But even a branch office, which is not a [...]

Capital of the LTD company in Slovenia

Capital of the LTD company in Slovenia

The company type that most foreigners establish when doing business in Slovenia is LTD company. It is a company type that requires 7.500€ founding capital. We will be explaining what this capital of the company is, how you can deposit it and later use it. Capital of the LTD company in Slovenia – why do you need to deposit it? If [...]

In which cases can you register a company at a VEM point?

In which cases can you register a company at a VEM point?

A VEM point is a special office, where the consultants are licensed by the Slovenian government to perform company registrations. They are allowed to register certain company types by using the electronic portal e-VEM. The process of company registration at VEM points is free of charge but requires the shareholder and representatives to be present at the office when [...]

Transport companies in Slovenia, EU – required number of vehicles

Transport companies – required number of vehicles

Opening a transport company in Slovenia is a procedure that company Data guides you through from company registration to obtaining the license for transport. A very common question of entrepreneurs is if transport companies in Slovenia require a specific number of vehicles to be registered within the company. If you plan on opening a transport company and do business in [...]

Engage in international business with a company in Slovenia

Engage in international business with a company in Slovenia

When doing business in Europe, entrepreneurs do not tend to bound themselves to just one country. They also think about the future and about expanding their services or products abroad. Europe is a target market for many foreign entrepreneurs because it offers a multicultural environment and also a diverse and stable market where many products and services are needed. [...]

Cleaning service as a business idea in Slovenia, EU

Cleaning service as a business idea in Slovenia, EU

Due to the busy lifestyle of individuals, there is usually not enough time to spend for cleaning apartments or offices. Especially in business, certain business activities also require to have the premises cleaned in a particular manner. Because of the growing demand, opening a cleaning service in Slovenia is a good way to start your business in Europe. First step: [...]

Business expansion to Slovenia, EU

Business expansion to Slovenia, EU

Non-EU citizens with companies abroad look to Europe for their business expansion. Europe offers a broad and multicultural business market that can be profitable for offering various services or products. Slovenia is one of the younger EU countries and is also part of the Schengen zone since 2007. Therefore, look no further and consider Slovenia for your company’s business [...]

Business activity of temporary employment agency

Business activity of temporary employment agency

If you are thinking about opening a company concentrating on finding suitable labor force for an employer, you can open a temporary employment agency in Slovenia. But it is a regulated business activity so you need to abide by specific regulations to provide such business in Slovenia. Business activity of temporary employment agency in Slovenia In order to start your business [...]

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Ideas for business activity in Slovenia, EU

Have you been considering opening a company in Europe and have come across the possibility to do so in Slovenia? Learn which ideas for business activity are most commonly chosen by foreigners who decide to start their business in Slovenia. Frequently chosen ideas for business activity of a company in Slovenia, EU While local citizens tend to choose a wide variety [...]

Market for real estate in Slovenia in 2018

Market for real estate in Slovenia in 2018

Purchasing real estate in Slovenia has been a topical issue in the last years. The real estate market has been able recuperate and the prices are steadily rising. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (GURS) each year issues the Report on the Slovenian real estate market, in which it combines detailed data on developments in the [...]
