Tag - company registration

British citizens in EU after Brexit - options in Slovenia

British citizens in EU after Brexit – options in Slovenia

Brexit or British Exit out of the EU occurred on 31st January 2020. Since then, Britain is no longer in the European Union. Until the end of 2020, there is still the transition period in place. So, British citizens still have the same rights as other EU citizens until then. What will change for British citizens in 2021? Do you [...]

Announcement new dates of free our webinars on business in Slovenia!

Announcement: new dates of free our webinars on business in Slovenia!

Announcement: we are continuing with our free webinars on business in Slovenia! Just now, we have added new dates to our existing webinars in August. Do not miss this opportunity and apply now to obtain information on business in Europe! Data d.o.o. has been offering support to entrepreneurs with their business in Slovenia.  In addition to company registration services, we also provide professional accounting services. [...]

Slovenian company – options for business development in Europe

Slovenian company – options for business development in Europe

Doing business in Europe is very popular among foreign entrepreneurs. It is a large market with very strong consumer force so you can sell various products or services. But how can you enter the EU market if you are not an EU resident? It is easy to do with a Slovenian company. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? [...]

Annual leave in Slovenia

Annual leave in Slovenia: are your employees entitled to compensation?

The right to annual leave compensation connects to the right to annual leave. The employer in Slovenia has to pay the employee who has the right to annual leave a compensation of at least the minimum wage. Namely, the annual leave compensation represents a monetary assessment intended for the employee to spend on their vacation. The Labor Inspectorate of [...]

Stable prognosis for Slovenia from credit rating agency Fitch Ratings

Stable prognosis for Slovenia from credit rating agency Fitch Ratings

The forecast of one of the three largest credit rating agencies Fitch Ratings is stable for Slovenia! This is according to the last prognosis in July. The forecast predicts only a slight increase in unemployment and almost 5% growth next year! Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for the [...]

Seminar on business in Slovenia - new dates for webinars at DATA!

Seminar on business in Slovenia – new dates for webinars at DATA!

Are you considering starting a business in Europe? Obtain free information on our online seminars on various topics of business in Slovenia. Opening a company in Slovenia will allow you to enter the EU market with your services or products! We have added new dates in August. Data d.o.o. has been offering support to entrepreneurs with their business in Slovenia.  In addition [...]

Rental agreement for apartment in Slovenia – renting real estate

Rental agreement for apartment in Slovenia – renting real estate

A very popular business in Slovenia is renting real estate. Especially among foreign citizens it is very common that they open a company in Slovenia and buy property. But if you plan on renting it out, do you know what the rental agreement has to consist of? Our legal advisors answer these questions. Do you want to start a business in [...]

Gross and net salary in Slovenia – what amount do you pay employees

Gross and net salary in Slovenia – what amount do you pay employees?

Business owners in Slovenia, do you know what the contents of gross and net salary are in Slovenia? When doing business in Europe with a company in Slovenia it is likely that you will have to employ workers. What kind of salary do you have to pay them? What falls under gross and what under net salary? We will [...]

VAT return in Slovenia - who is eligible

VAT return in Slovenia – who is eligible?

VAT return is always a popular subject for entrepreneurs who do business in Europe.  It is important both for Slovenian companies as well as for foreign companies that provide services or products in Slovenia.  Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company [...]

Investment opportunities in Slovenia for business immigration

Investment opportunities in Slovenia for business immigration

Business immigration is a procedure where a foreigner relocates to another country to oversee their business. Having a business in Slovenia also offers the possibility to move here for business purposes. One of the most popular choices for engaging in business immigration is investment. But what kind of investment opportunities do you have with a company in Slovenia? Do you [...]
