Tag - company registration in Slovenia

Value added tax (VAT) payer in Slovenia

Value added tax (VAT) payer in Slovenia

When doing business in Europe, most entrepreneurs want to become a value added tax (VAT) payer. It makes it easier to do business with companies in other EU countries. But do you know what it means to become a VAT payer in Slovenia? In this article, DATA experts explain to you how and when to become a VAT payer [...]

Reminder apply for our free webinars on business immigration to Slovenia!

Reminder: apply for our free webinars on business immigration to Slovenia!

At DATA, we are trying to inform entrepreneurs about the various ways they can engage in business immigration to Slovenia. As paths for EU citizens and non-EU citizens differ, we have prepared two separate webinars where entrepreneurs from all over the word can find out the most suitable path for them. Reminder – you can still apply for both [...]

Opening a business in Slovenia - DATA services

Opening a business in Slovenia – DATA services

Opening a business in Slovenia is a very good choice. At DATA we guide you through the whole process. We offer various services and support for entrepreneurs before, in between and after the company registration. From our experiences, first two years are crucial for company success. Read this article and find out how we can help you in your [...]

Apartment rents in major global cities are crashing!

Apartment rents in major global cities are crashing!

Apartment rents in major global metropolises such as New York, London, San Francisco, and Sydney are crashing. Financiers see it as an effect of COVID and mass migration away from the cities! Are you interested to start a business in Europe? You don’t know what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company registration and business [...]

Shareholder in an LTD company in Slovenia, EU

Shareholder in an LTD company in Slovenia, EU

One of the most frequently asked questions of foreign entrepreneurs who do business in Slovenia is what is the difference between shareholder and representative in a company in Slovenia. They are also keen to know who can become a shareholder and whether there are any age or nationality restrictions for shareholders in Slovenia. Data d.o.o. is one of the leading [...]

IT services and computer programming in Slovenia

IT services and computer programming in Slovenia

In today’s world almost everyone owns or uses a computer. In addition to personal users, all companies need to rely on using computer technology in some scope. Hence if you have computer programming skills, you can decide to start your business in Europe by opening an IT services company in Slovenia. It is one of the business activities that [...]

Legal representative of the company in Slovenia, EU

Legal representative of the company in Slovenia, EU

Many foreigners are starting a business in Europe due to the diversity of the market. Slovenia is one of those up-and-coming countries that started to attract foreign entrepreneurs to register a company here. Sometimes there are unclarities regarding the status of the legal representative within the company, their responsibilities as well as the difference to the function of shareholder. Data [...]

New developments on UK exiting EU - Brexit

New developments on UK exiting EU – Brexit

31st January 2020 is the deadline for United Kingdom exiting the European Union. However, there have been new developments regarding the transition period. We will explain how these developments will affect business in Europe, namely in Slovenia and what British citizens can expect in regards to running their business. Data d.o.o. is one of the leading support providers for entrepreneurs [...]

Clothing store in Slovenia, EU - business opportunity

Clothing store in Slovenia, EU – business opportunity

Clothing industry is always a strong sector when deciding on a business in Europe. Especially foreign fashion is popular everywhere, so if you are producing clothing abroad, you can open a clothing store in Slovenia and sell them in a rising European market. Data d.o.o. offers full support to entrepreneurs who start their business in Slovenia through company registration in Slovenia. Additionally, we also provide legal consultation and accounting services. [...]

Subsidiary in Slovenia, EU - registration procedure

Subsidiary in Slovenia, EU – registration procedure

A subsidiary is a type of company, which you can open in Slovenia if you have an existing company abroad. It enables you to do business in Slovenia and also help you to expand to other EU markets. We will be explaining how it differs from a branch office and what the subsidiary registration procedure entails. Data d.o.o. offers full [...]
