If you want to obtain a work permit in Slovenia you can buy a ready-made company in Slovenia.
The most common way of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in Slovenia is based on the registration of a company. To apply for a work permit your company has to be established for at least 6 months and have a profit in the amount of two minimum wages. Currently the minimum wage is € 804,96 gross.
One of the possibilities to speed up the work permit application process is to purchase a ready-made company, which already operates for several months. After buying a ready-made company you still need to demonstrate a profit for the last 6 months. In this case we will help you prepare the documents for obtaining a work permit.
For any further questions you can contact our English speaking consulants by email [email protected] or phone +386 1 6001 530 or Viber/WhatsApp: +386 40 530 718. You can also follow us on Facebook.
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