
Pension amount in SloveniaEU how can you calculate it

Pension amount in Slovenia/EU: how can you calculate it?

Pension amount in Slovenia – now, you can calcualte it online! The pension amount in Slovenia is very important for everyone, especially for those who have a business in Slovenia. Do you know what amount you can get in Slovenia? Now you no longer have to call or go in person to the insurance office to find out. You can [...]

VAT calculation for services on real estate in other EU countries

VAT calculation for services on real estate in other EU countries

VAT calculation for Slovenian companies who do services on real estate in the EU Do you plan to open a company in Slovenia but also plan to do business in Europe, namely in other countries? If you plan to services on real estate which are in other EU countries, you need to make sure that you do the correct VAT [...]

Regions of Slovenia EU where to start your business

Regions of Slovenia/EU: where to start your business?

Regions of Slovenia: learn about the 12 regions of Slovenia! People who start a business in Europe and choose Slovenia often ask where to start their business. They want to know which town or region is the best for their business. Did you also wonder this in the past? If yes, experts at DATA have prepared an article about it. [...]

Learn about Slovenia EU in our free webinars about business!

Learn about Slovenia/EU in our free webinars about business!

Learn about Slovenia: attend our free webinars to find out more about business and also about life in Slovenia! Opening a company in Slovenia and business immigration are a very popular topic among business people. Many want to start a business in Europe. We present Slovenia, as it is a great option for it. In our free webinars you can [...]

Economy in SloveniaEU big growth is expected in 2021!

Economy in Slovenia/EU: big growth is expected in 2021!

Economy in Slovenia is expected to improve already in 2021! The economy in Slovenia will most likely recover very quickly. This is very good news for all who want to do business in Europe. The Bank of Slovenia says that it should reach a 5,2% growth. This is positive news. The country should reache the pre-pandemic level of the GDP [...]

Slovenia real estate taxes news on rent taxes in SloveniaEU

Slovenia real estate taxes: news on rent taxes in Slovenia/EU

Slovenia real estate taxes: renting real estate will also become more lucrative in 2022! Do you plan to do business in Europe and also rent real estate? Renting real estate for long term means that the owner has to pay taxes. After 1st January 2022, the income from renting real estate will also get two changes. The normalized expenses will [...]

Online shop in Slovenia EU changes and VAT after 1st July

Online shop in Slovenia/EU: changes and VAT after 1st July

Online shop in Slovenia/EU: changes regarding VAT after 1st July 2021! If you have an online shop in Slovenia, there are some changes that will affect you after 1st July 2021. Slovenian online shops will also have to start charging the VAT of the country where the buyer of their product is. This will influence how you will be able [...]

Business webinars about SloveniaEU apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: attend our free webinars in June and July! If you plan to expand your business in Europe, we suggest Slovenia as your business destination. Why? Because Slovenia offers a great starting point to do business. This is because it is located in Central Europe. Because of this it is a hub to export your products and [...]

Education in SloveniaEU does business setup require a specific level

Education in Slovenia/EU: does business setup require a specific level?

Education in Slovenia/EU – you do not need a specific level to open a company! When people are setting up the business in Europe they often ask if they need a specific level of education. In Slovenia, the level of education is not relevant when setting up the business. But in some of the business activities, you would need to [...]

Buying a company in SloveniaEU why is it better to open a new company

Buying a company in Slovenia/EU: why is it better to open a new company?

Buying a company in Slovenia/EU – open a new company instead! Many foreign citizens choose Slovenia when they want to start a business in Europe. In the past months, we have been receiving inquiries from people who wanted to buy a company. They think that this will make the start of their business in Slovenia easier. But is it really [...]
