
EU Blue card in Slovenia how to obtain it

EU Blue card in Slovenia: how to obtain it?

EU Blue card in Slovenia: what is it? Many business people who do business in Europe also plan to apply for some type of residence permit. This would allow them to live here in addition to doing the business. One of the permit types is also a blue card. What is it? Did you know that you can also obtain [...]

Presenting Slovenia and business in EU in our free webinars!

Presenting Slovenia and business in EU in our free webinars!

Presenting Slovenia: free webinar presentation on business and life in Slovenia/EU! Slovenia is one of the top chocies for business in Europe among foreign citizens. The most appealing parts are the geographical location in the EU and Schengen zone and the simples procedures for company registration. But did you know that Slovenia also offers great options for living here as [...]

Profit distribution in companies in Slovenia EU

Profit distribution in companies in Slovenia/EU

Profit distribution in companies  in Slovenia will be different in 2022 Companies that do business in Slovenia and make profit will experience some changes in 2022. Why? The profit distribution will change. This is because the lower tax rates will apply. Now, a 27,5% rate is in place. But in the year 2022, it will fall to only 25%. We [...]

Connected persons in tax legislation in Slovenia EU

Connected persons in tax legislation in Slovenia/EU

Connected persons in Slovenia – what is the definition? Do you plan to do business in Europe? In a Slovenian company you need to make sure to understand what connected persons are. They are defined as natural persons or as legal persons. It is important to know the definition of who they are in business. This is because there are [...]

VAT in construction in SloveniaEU is specific

VAT in construction in Slovenia/EU is specific

VAT in construction – why is it 9.5% once and 22% on other times? Do you plan to do business in Europe? Construction business is very popular in Slovenia and EU. VAT in construction is specific, as this activity is subject to very special taxation rules. Once a reduced rate is applied, once a general rate is used. In certain [...]

Free online seminar on business in SloveniaEU apply now!

Free online seminar on business in Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Free online seminar on various topics of business in Slovenia/EU! If you have been thinking to start a business in Slovenia or do business in EU, we have good news for you. Every week, we carry out two webinars on business in Slovenia. One free online seminar covers the topics for non-EU citizens and company formation. The other one focuses [...]

CE marking when do you need it to sell your products in Slovenia and EU

CE marking: when do you need it to sell your products in Slovenia and EU?

CE marking on products – do you know what it means? The CE marking on the product informs the buyer and market inspection that the product meets the basic requirements of the European directives. It also states that the manufacturer is responsible that the product complies with law and the standards. If you are considering to have a business in [...]

Salary expense for an employee in your company in SloveniaEU

Salary expense for an employee in your company in Slovenia/EU

Salary expense for an employee in your company in Slovenia – what are the costs that you can also expect? If you will be doing business in Europe you will also most likely have workers in your company. As planning expenses is very important when opening a company in Slovenia, we will assess the salary expense which you can expect [...]

Financial services tax in SloveniaEU

Financial services tax in Slovenia/EU

Financial services tax in Slovenia is not the same as VAT Financial services tax in Slovenia is a special tax which came into force in 2013. Most of the financial sector has to pay it. Financial services are not taxed with VAT. So in a way, this tax replaces VAT for these services. In special cases, also a sole trader [...]

Slovenia information free webinars about business in SloveniaEU!

Slovenia information: free webinars about business in Slovenia/EU!

Slovenia information: get all the data about life and business in Slovenia in our free webinars! For more than one year, experts at DATA have been hosting free webinars where they share Slovenia information about life and business in the country. Many participants have gotten valuable data about starting a business in Slovenia. Become one of them and apply to [...]
