How to open a company in Slovenia

How to open a company in Slovenia

Are you asking yourself how to open a company in Slovenia? To open a company in Slovenia is quite simple process, you just need to register a company in Slovenia and choose an appropriate form of business activity (from a special classifier).

Company DATA has a state license for the registration of legal entities and is ready to provide you with full professional support.

How to open a company in Slovenia – register LTD?

The procedure of registration of Private Limited Company in Slovenia:

For registration of legal entities in Slovenia, all foreign shareholders/representatives must obtain a tax identification number, and, as well as a certificate of no criminal record in Slovenia. We can help you arrange the appropriate documents.

Upon receipt in your name tax number, we will check and make reservation procedure for the name of your company. After that, you are invited to register a company at our office »One stop shop«

Tax number and bank account

To register a company in Slovenia you will need tax number, a copy of your valid passport, the founding capital in the amount of 7.500 Euros. After completing the registration, you have the right to dispose of these funds to the needs of the company.

Our consultant will prepare and fill in all the necessary documents and forms that you will sign. The whole procedure will take you no more than an hour.

After the paperwork, you need to go to the bank and open a temporary account on your company and make a deposit in the amount of 7.500 Euros as share capital. We can recommend you a suitable bank to open an account. At the bank, you will receive a certificate of deposit, which you will need to bring back to us to the office.

We can assign you for a meeting with our specialist in the field of accounting and taxation for professional advice on the conduct a company in Slovenia.

Finally, the company will be registered within 3-5 days.

After you have received a positive decision of the Court on the registration of your company, and your candidacy will meet the legal requirements, we can begin the process of obtaining a unique permit for work and residence in Slovenia for you as a director.

We are specialized in providing services to foreign nationals wishing to open a company in Slovenia and develop a business. We can also help you to bring to Slovenia members of your family (on the basis of articles of the Law on Foreigners “family reunification”). With us, the question “How to open a company in Slovenia?” receives an answer in a blink of an eye.

Free consultation!

For any questions regarding the registration of legal entities and related services, please contact us by phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp) or e-mail: [email protected].  You can also follow us on Facebook.

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