Living in Slovenia

Non-EU citizens - business immigration to Slovenia

Non-EU citizens – business immigration to Slovenia

Slovenia is a country within the EU that provides stable economic market to expand your services to. If an EU citizen starts doing business in Slovenia by opening a company here, that person does not need to obtain a work and residence permit for that in advance. But the rules are somewhat different for non-EU citizens. If they open a [...]

Audio guide for company registration in Slovenia

Audio guide for company registration in Slovenia

At Data we are aware that due to the busy lifestyle of business people, it is sometimes more productive to listen to information rather than read it. This is the reason we have prepared an audio guide that summarizes company registration in Slovenia. You can listen to it on the link below and find out exactly how the process [...]

Develop your business in Slovenia – a checklist

Develop your business in Slovenia – a checklist

When starting to do business in a new country, it is good to come prepared. So, that before you start to develop your business, you know exactly what you have to prepare in advance and what you can expect. This is why we have prepared a short checklist that will enable you to have all the important answers before [...]

Questions before company establishment in Slovenia, EU

Questions before company establishment in Slovenia, EU

When foreigners are establishing a company in Slovenia, we advise them to prepare themselves before jumping into this project. We receive calls and e-mails with various questions about company establishment and business in Slovenia. From those questions we have gathered the most frequently asked ones and prepared answers to help you facilitate doing business in Europe. Are you considering company [...]

Methods of business immigration to Slovenia

Methods of business immigration to Slovenia

Are you thinking about doing business in Europe and want to oversee it first-hand? Establishing a company in Slovenia gives you a possibility relocate to Slovenia by choosing one of the methods of business immigration we will be addressing below. Methods of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe – is it enough only to register a company? There is a common belief that being an [...]

Possibilities of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Possibilities of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Slovenia is a country in central Europe which has been becoming increasingly interesting for foreign investors. Many foreigners have decided to start a new business here or expand their existing business to Slovenian territory. Opening a company in Slovenia not only allows you to bring to life your business idea on the European market, but also presents possibilities for [...]

Immigrate to Europe with a business in Slovenia

Immigrate to Europe with a business in Slovenia

Slovenia is a central European country which is becoming more and more interesting to foreign investors. Many of them decide to immigrate to Europe, specifically to Slovenia, to oversee their business firsthand. Immigrate to Europe with a business in Slovenia – company registration Slovenia is growing in popularity due to its geographic position in central Europe and good economic standing. It [...]

Purchasing and selling real estate as a business activity

Purchasing and selling real estate as a business activity

The real estate market is on the rise in Slovenia. There are several properties in construction and for sale and this business activity is especially popular with foreign investors. As purchasing real estate as a natural person is not possible for most non-EU citizens, foreigners tend to establish a company here to engage in this business activity. Purchasing and selling [...]

Immigrate to Slovenia through company establishment

Immigrate to Slovenia through company establishment

If you have been considering relocating to Europe and at the same time develop your business idea on the European market, consider business immigration to Slovenia. You can immigrate to Slovenia if you establish a company here and the company fulfills specific conditions. Immigrate to Slovenia through business – company registration If you plan on immigrate to Europe in order to [...]

Terms of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Terms of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Many foreigners think that just by opening the company in Slovenia they would obtain a work and residence permit in order to oversee the company’s business. But there are certain terms which the company has to meet in order to be able to employ foreign citizens. Terms of business immigration to Slovenia, EU – company registration The first step of business [...]
