
Translation agency: business idea for your company in Europe

Translation agency – business idea for your company in Europe

Translation agency – a great business idea To open a translation agency as foreign citizen in Slovenia, it is a great business idea! If you want to know how to register a company in Slovenia, Europe and start your business as well as migration, keep reading! Translation agency – register your business in Slovenia, Europe To register a translation agency in Slovenia, you [...]

How to build a business in Slovenia, EU?

How to build a business in Slovenia as a foreigner?

How to build a business in Slovenia? To build a business in Slovenia as a foreigner, it is necessary to define the steps of the development of your business. The question is what to do to make your business successful in Slovenia and the EU. We have some tips and we can offer our support and help you to build [...]

Slovenia - best business destination

Why to choose Slovenia as your business destination?

Slovenia – business destination that you should choose Why is Slovenia a great business destination for entrepreneurs? What kind of opportunities are waiting for you in Slovenia? If you are dreaming about starting a business in Europe, Slovenia is the right choice! Read more about why is Slovenia a great business destination for entrepreneurs! Slovenia – business destination Firstly, Slovenia had a steady [...]

Residency in Slovenia, EU

Residency in Slovenia, EU after registering a company – business immigration

Residency in Slovenia, EU There are a few options on how to receive residence permit card in Slovenia. Today we will talk about the conditions for residency based on company registration in Slovenia. Many foreign citizens decide to start a business in Slovenia, Europe, because there are many opportunities for entrepreneurs here. Slovenia is located in the Middle Europe and it [...]

Establishing an export company in Slovenia

Export company in Slovenia for business in EU

Export company in Slovenia – good way to expand your business Export company in  Slovenia provides foreigners easy access for trading with companies in other EU countries. One of the advantages is also oportunity to apply for EU tenders with company in EU. The last but not the least advantage is oportunity to obtain work and residence permit based on [...]

Expanding business to Europe - open a company in Slovenia

Expand business to Europe – open a company in Slovenia

If you already have a company in your country, you can expand business to Europe at any time. There are different forms of business that you can start in Europe. Expand business to Europe – open an LTD company in Slovenia One way to expand business to Europe is by opening an LTD company. In Slovenia, country in the Middle Europe, [...]

Business opportunity in Slovenia, Europe

Opportunity to start your own business in Europe, Slovenia

Opportunity to start your own business in Europe Are you dreaming about starting your own business in Europe? Do you have a great business idea and looking for an opportunity in Europe? In this article we Will present you how you can start your business in Slovenia, country in the Middle Europe. See if there is an opportunity for you! Opportunity [...]

Accountant in Slovenia

Accountant for your business in Slovenia – our services

Accountant for your business in Slovenia Are you searching for an accountant in Slovenia? Our company Data is offering accounting services for more than 28 years. Most imporantlly, we have a lot of foreign clients as we have many experience. We are also offering other business services – everything under one roof! Accountant in Slovenia – why it is good to [...]

Street trading in Slovenia and mobile outlets

Street trading in Slovenia and the conditions for mobile outlets

Street trading in Slovenia and mobile outlets Today we will talk about street trading in Slovenia and the conditions for mobile outlets. Firstly, before the registration of the company you need to meet certain conditions to obtain the appropriate licenses or permits. We suggest you to inquire about the conditions for mobile outlets, so you can do business in Slovenia [...]

Trading company in Slovenia for business in EU

Trading company in Slovenia for business in EU

Trading company in Slovenia – how to open it if you are foreigner? Trading company in Slovenia is great oportunity for foreigners to do business in EU and get residency. If you want to open trading company in Slovenia as foreigner without residency, you can open private limited company (LTD). If you already have trading company in your own country, you can [...]
