
Services for foreign companies in Slovenia

Services that foreign companies perform in Slovenia and EU

Foreign companies often perform services in Slovenia and EU. The reason are the most favorable prices of the contractors and quality of services. A foreign company that concludes a contract for the performance of services must meet all necessary requirements. The company DATA can help you with legal counseling, accounting advice, and preparation of all necessary documentation. Services in Slovenia – [...]

Salary in Slovenia

Informative calculation of net salary

How salary is calculated is something both employees and employers must be familar with. First of all we would like to explain, what is net salary and what is basic gross salary? Furthermore, we would like to let you know how much contributions you need to pay by employers and employees? And last but not least, what is final [...]

Running business in Europe

Useful information about running business in Europe

Are you thinking about running business in Europe and you do not know where to start? In this article we will give you some useful information about running business in Slovenia, Europe. Make a good business plan The most important thing is to make a good business plan before you start running business. With it you can avoid problems in the [...]

How much time do you need to open LTD company in Slovenia, Europe?

How much time do you need to open LTD company in Slovenia, Europe?

The procedure to open LTD company in Slovenia is very fast and easy. It will take a few days for the company to be officially registered from the registration procedure. How can you save time and open LTD company in Slovenia, EU faster? Firstly, you have to know that to open LTD company in Slovenia, you will need certain documents. The [...]

Legal differences – LTD or branch office in Slovenia?

Legal differences – LTD or branch office?

You already have your business, and are you considering expanding your business to Slovenia and other EU countries? Often we get a question in our company Data, which are actually legal differences between LTD (d.o.o.) and branch office. The answer to this question is a significant factor in the decision-making process, for which type of company you decide. You do not need starting [...]

Allowance for annual leave in Slovenia

Allowance for annual leave – who has the right to obtain it?

Allowance for annual leave is the amount that employers pay to employees in accordance with the Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1). It belongs to all workers who have the right to annual leave. The right to annual leave belongs to a worker for each full month of employment with the employer. The minimum annual leave in the calendar year shall not be [...]

Non-resident taxpayer and paying income tax

Non-resident taxpayer and paying income tax

Who is non-resident taxpayer? A person is a non-resident taxpayer if he does not have an official registered place of residence or center of his personal and economic interests in Slovenia. Non-resident taxpayer is also a person who is in a tax year present in Slovenia for less than 183 days, explained the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (Furs). Like non-resident taypayer, [...]

Is 50.000 eur enough to start running a business in Slovenia?

Is 50.000 eur enough to start running a business in Slovenia?

Is 50.000 eur enough to start running a business in Slovenia? Many entrepreneurs are asking us how much money is enough to start running a business in Slovenia? Firstly, you have to know that starting capital that you have to desposit in order to open an LTD company is Slovenia is 7.500 eur. After depositing starting capital, your company will be [...]

A new form for the employment of foreigner in Slovenia

A new form for the employment of foreigner in Slovenia

A new form for the employment of foreigner in Slovenia Before you will apply for employment of foreigner, you have to make labor market control. For it you will need to use the new PDM-KTD form (Job Vacancy – Labor Market Control), the Employment Service of Slovenia (ZRSZ) reported. The form will be in use form from 1 January 2018 onwards. >> If you still [...]

Online selling in European Union and Slovenia

Online selling in European Union and Slovenia

Online selling – according to the European Statistical Office Eurostat every sixth company based in the EU, with at least ten employees, received last year orders via internet or applications. Selling via internet is even more spread in Slovenian companies – every fifth company is dealing with online business. >> If you also sell your products online, be sure to [...]
