Allowance for annual leave is the amount that employers pay to employees in accordance with the Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1). It belongs to all workers who have the right to annual leave.
The right to annual leave belongs to a worker for each full month of employment with the employer. The minimum annual leave in the calendar year shall not be less than four weeks, regardless of whether the worker is full-time or part-time employed. At the same time with the right to annual leave, the employee also has the right to allowance for annual leave. Its minimum amount is statutory and is equal to the minimum wage in the current calendar year. Every year, except for exceptions, employers have to pay allowance for annual leave, including by 30 June.
What happens with allowance for annual leave if a worker is not employed a whole calendar year?
Firstly, the employee has the right to the allowance for annual leave in the same proportion as he has the right to annual leave, which depends on the start his employment.
If a worker is not employed for a full calendar year, he is entitled to a proportional part of annual leave depending on the duration of employment in the calendar year with the employer, namely 1/12 annual leave for each month of employment. This means that he has the right to a proportionate part of the allowance for annual leave.
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Allowance for annual leave in the case of a part-time employment
Secondly, the worker has the right to allowance for annual leave in proportion to the working hours. An employee who has a part-time employment contract has the right to a allowance for annual leave in proportion regarding the ZDR-1.
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The allowance for annual leave also belongs to pensioners
Every year, the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute also pays allowance for annual leave to the pensioners. It’s annual allowance that they recieve with payment of a regular pension for July.
The amount of the annual pensioner’s allowance depends on the amount of his pension in the month of the payment of allowance.
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