A company in Slovenia – advantages of having a company in Slovenia

A company in Slovenia - advantages of having a company in Slovenia

When looking for a business destination to start or expand your business to, consider Slovenia. Having a company in Slovenia can give you several advantages to doing business within the EU.

A company in Slovenia – Slovenia is a good starting point for business expansion

Having a company in Slovenia is advantageous due to its geographic and economic position. The location in central Europe and next to the sea with an international port in Koper is definitely an advantage that not all countries have.

Also, Slovenia is part of the European Union and Schengen zone which makes trading of goods and services easier with other EU member states. This is especially important for entrepreneurs, who offer their services internationally, so not only in Slovenia.

Due to its size and specific language, most Slovenians also speak English and therefore doing business with local partners is easier as there would be no language barrier.

A company in Slovenia – easy process for company registration

The other advantage of starting your own business in Slovenia is that the process of company establishment it straight-forward. In some countries, foreigners have to go through different steps than locals when establishing an LTD company. But in Slovenia, the process is the same regardless of the nationality.

For LTD registration all shareholders need a Slovenian tax number, business address in Slovenia, valid passports and founding capital 7.500€. All shareholders and representatives need to be present in Slovenia for company registration. The average time for company registration is about 10 days, so that is how long the shareholders have to stay in Slovenia. In that time, you would prepare the act of establishment, open a temporary bank account and deposit the founding capital. When the company is officially registered, the representative has to change the temporary bank to permanent. And with that step you have an active company, which is ready to start generating income.

A company in Slovenia – straight-forward process of business immigration and employing non-EU foreigners

Having a company in Slovenia would also give you the possibility to relocate to Slovenia to oversee your business in Europe. Or if you need skilled labor from abroad, you can employ them in your company in a very straight-forward process.

Only establishing a company in Slovenia does not give you the right to start business immigration. But if the company fulfills one of the conditions of active business conduct, the representative can apply for a work and residence permit for himself. Fulfilling this condition also gives a company the possibility to employ other non-EU employees.

For a company to obtain the right to employ foreigners and apply for their work and residence permit, one of the following conditions has to be met:

  • Investing 50.000€ into fixed assets of the company
  • Having one EU person employed on full-time for at least 6 months
  • Showing company turnover 10.000€ each month for 6 consecutive months

It is enough to fulfill one of these conditions to have the possibility to apply for the work and residence permit for the foreign representative and employ other non-EU workers as well.

Establish a company in Slovenia with the assistance of Data!

Data can offer full support in the process of company establishment in Slovenia. We can assist you to obtain the tax numbers and organize company registration at our One-Stop Shop (VEM/SPOT point).

Our accountants can help you to manage your company’s books according to Slovene accountancy standards. Data’s legal department can help you to understand Slovenian legislation and prepare the company’s internal acts and draft contracts for you.

We also offer services of virtual office, should you need a business address in Slovenia. Data also has a department that assists foreigners in the process of business immigration.

For more information on establishing a company in Slovenia, you can write to us on our email [email protected]. You can also contact us over the phone  00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp).  You can also follow us on Facebook.

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