The procedure of obtaining a residence permit is based on registration of a company in Slovenia, the founder and director of which are allowed to apply for a work permit.
After receiving the work permit, the director can apply for a temporary residence permit. We can help you register your company, file your application form for work permit and explain you the procedure of obtaining the residence permit in Slovenia.
After registration of the company and fulfillment of the conditions we can submit your application for a work permit at the Employment Service of Slovenia. Process of obtaining the work permits usually takes around 2 months or longer. Within 15 days from receipt of the work permit, you have to file an application for a residence permit at the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in your country. The confirmation of residence permit you receive within 1-2 months or longer.
You can contact our English speaking consultants by email [email protected] or phone +386 1 6006 270 or Viber / WhatsApp: +386 40 530 718. We will be happy to offer you full support. You can also follow us on Facebook.
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