Tag - tourism in slovenia

Increasing number of tourists in Slovenia - business option

Increasing number of tourists in Slovenia – business option

According to the Statistical Office of Slovenia, there have been over 290.000 tourist arrivals to Slovenia in November 2019. Those 290.000 tourists amounted to over 700.000 overnight stays in Slovenia. Over 63% of the overnight stays were of foreign tourists. Hence, offering accommodation to the increasing number of tourists would be a good idea if you are starting your [...]

Tourism business in Slovenia

Tourism in Slovenia – opportunity to register company!

Do you find yourself wishing to register company, which would deal with tourism? Are you not sure about restrictions and conditions for registration of a company for tourism? If you need help, we can offer you support! Register a company in Slovenia and deal with tourism The number of tourists in Slovenia is raising every year and Slovenia became a very attractive tourist [...]

European funds for tourism

European funds are available for tourism products and services

New European funds are available for small businesses engaged in tourism. This time around the European funds are intended for tourism products and services, more specifically for their development and promotion. The objective is to contribute to the increased competitiveness of Slovenian tourism companies on the global market. In the public tender published by the Ministry of Economic Development and [...]

Touristic business activity and tourism in Slovenia

Touristic business activity and tourism in Slovenia

Touristic business activity and tourism in Slovenia is experiencing incredible growth in recent years. The number of tourists from all over the world is growing every year and the flow of tourists is quite dense, depending on the time of the year. If you are looking for a business idea in Slovenia, you can turn your focus to activities, connected [...]

Open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide

Open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide

If you are a person, who loves new challenges and travelling but who is also organized and likes to work with people, you can combine your passion with the business world – you can open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide. In order to do that you have to take the exam at the Chamber of [...]