Tag - Permanent residence in Slovenia

Permanent residence in Slovenia

Permanent residence in Slovenia

Are you interested in a permanent residence in Slovenia? What is necessary in order to obtain a permanent residence in Slovenia? Permanent residence in Slovenia allows you to reside permanently in the country for an unlimited period and have a permanent address in Slovenia. A permanent residence in Slovenia also allows you to travel freely throughout the Schengen area without [...]

Long-term residence permit

Long-term residence permit – Ticket to EU Member States

Did you know that third-country nationals who hold long-term residence permit in one of the EU Member State have the right to reside for a period of three months in other Member State? Long-term residence permit and EU legislation According to EU legislation, each resident having long-term residence permit in one EU member state has the right to move in another [...]

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Slovenia

After five years of living in the territory of Slovenia, you can apply for permanent residence permit in Slovenia. Temporary residence permit has to be prolonged every year. Conditions for obtaining residence permit in Slovenia for the citizens from Third Countries Also a citizen of a third country can obtain permanent residence with unlimited date of validation, if he is located [...]