Tag - LTD company

Employment contracts - what do they have to include?

Employment contracts – what do they have to include?

Employment contracts are the basis of the employment relationship. What do they have to include? What are the most important details you need to consider? Do you want to register a company in Slovenia? Do you want to migrate your business here? You are in the right place! Just call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp). Expand your business [...]

Wage increase in 2023 - what is the new minimum?

Wage increase in 2023 – what is the new minimum?

Do you want to open a business in Slovenia and want to know about the wage increase in 2023? Do you know what will be the new minimum wage? Usually, the minimum wage matches the minimum cost of living. Do you want to register a company in Slovenia, but want to know more about wages? You are on the [...]

Ltd taxation information before company registration

Ltd taxation information before company registration

Taxation Ltd – what are the differences? Companies typically pay taxes on profits. However, some types pay different rates. This article explores the basic taxation information for limited liability company (Ltd). In any case, Ltd is the most famous type of company in Slovenia! In essence, the corporate income tax rate (ZDDPO-2) on profits for Ltd is 19%. Similar to [...]

How to open a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU

How to open a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU

Were you thinking what could be your next business step and are wondering how to open a Ltd company in Slovenia? To open a Ltd company in Slovenia is one of the perfect opportunity for many entrepreneurs. If you want to expand your business to Slovenia, or to EU, we can provide you full support in the entire procedure of [...]

Send workers to the European Union with a Slovenian company

Send workers to work in EU with a Slovenian company

Send workers to the European Union with a Slovenian company If you are wondering if you can send workers on work to other European countries, the simple answer is yes! It is a common thing these days and we can provide you with all the help in the process. In fact, when you establish a company in Slovenia, you have [...]

Open a branch in Slovenia – how to do it?

Open a branch in Slovenia – how to do it?

Open a branch in Slovenia – how to do it? Open a branch in Slovenia fast and easy! It can be a great way to expand your business to EU if you already have a company. When you want to open a branch, you do not need to invest initial capital. Keep in mind that in case of opening a LTD, you [...]

How to register a company in Slovenia - who can be the representative

How to register a company in Slovenia and it’s representative

Who can be the representative and how to register a company in Slovenia? The first question that everyone asks is how to register a company in Slovenia? Next is who’s going to be the firm’s representative. Representative of a company in Slovenia is a natural person. He is the responsible person in the company. He is in charge to sign [...]

Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia

Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia

Prices of real estates in Slovenia – investment opportunities Prices of apartments and houses in Slovenia – real estate is one of the most lucrative business in Slovenia. It is good to know, there are many construction projects going on at the moment and demand is higher than the supply. This is a great opportunity for investment. Most foreigners who [...]

Start your business in Slovenia - what are the first steps?

Start your business in Slovenia – what are the first steps?

Looking for new business opportunities? Start your business in Slovenia! Have you been thinking about a fresh start – start your business in Slovenia! Opening a company in Slovenia is an individual decision that requires careful planning and information gathering from the future entrepreneur. Therefore, if you have a good business idea and are wondering what makes the most sense for [...]

Register a Ltd company in Slovenia

Register a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU

Register a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU Register a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU is the perfect opportunity for many entrepreneurs. Starting your own business is certainly one of the biggest chances for any individual. Entrepreneurship can bring many rewards. From the possibility of freedom, choice of co workers, as well as to potential big earnings. We can provide you full support [...]
