Tag - legal support

Business income exempt from income tax - which are they?

Business income exempt from income tax – which are they?

There are many forms of business income exempt from income tax. In Slovenia, it is Income Tax Act (ZDoh-2) defines the income exempt from income tax. Do you know which are they? If you don’t, then this article will give you the information. Besides, do you also want to know more about income tax or other taxes? Contact us [...]

Determining the name of the company - how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – the hardest step in setting up a business? Shareholders usually say that to determining the name of the company is the most difficult part when they open a limited liability company (Ltd). Why is that? First, it is necessary to choose a unique name that represents company in the market and identifies the [...]

Registration process of LTD in Slovenia - the fastest way

Registration process of LTD in Slovenia – the fastest way

Registration process and waiting time You want to open an LTD (limited liability company), but you don’t know anything about the registration process? Don’t worry. This article will help you. LTD is the most famous type of company registered in Slovenia. The process is also simple. However, there are two things that need consideration. Firstly, the time it takes to [...]

Free webinar how to start business in Slovenia

Free webinar how to start business in Slovenia

Do you plan on starting a business in Europe – apply for free webinar how to start business in Slovenia! At DATA we are helping business people from all around the world to set up a company in Slovenia. We offer a full support in company registration, accounting service and legal support. Whatever question you have about business in [...]

Why choose virtual office for company in Slovenia

Why choose virtual office for your company in Slovenia

If you are opening a company in Slovenia and thinking about why choose virtual office, let us explain! The virtual office and Slovenian business address is one of the services offered by the Data d.o.o.. To be able to register the company in the Business Register of the Republic of Slovenia, it must have an address. The address of [...]

Open a company for food delivery in Slovenia

Open a company for food delivery in Slovenia

Is your new idea for expanding your business to open a company for food delivery in Slovenia. Probably you know that in the last two years this business has been growing. And as well as in the whole world, this has become very popular also in Slovenia. Do you want to know more how to open this type of [...]

Starting a business with the help of Data

Starting a business with the help of Data

Starting a business with the help of Data will save you a lot of costs and time. Data has more than 30 years of experience in company registration. We offer you full support through the entire process! If you are thinking of expanding your business, then you are at the right place. With rich experience and a team of [...]

How to open a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU

How to open a Ltd company in Slovenia/EU

Were you thinking what could be your next business step and are wondering how to open a Ltd company in Slovenia? To open a Ltd company in Slovenia is one of the perfect opportunity for many entrepreneurs. If you want to expand your business to Slovenia, or to EU, we can provide you full support in the entire procedure of [...]

Costs of registering a company in Slovenia

Costs of registering a company in Slovenia

Do you know the costs of registering a company in Slovenia? Compared to other EU countries, the costs of starting a business in Slovenia are not so high. However financial planning is still needed. In this article you will find out what are the main costs of starting a business in Slovenia. The costs of registering a company The costs of [...]

Grow your business and open a company in Slovenia/EU

Grow your business and open a company in Slovenia/EU

Did you got an idea lately to grow your business and open a company in Europe? Or you already have a company in some european country and would want to expand your business to Slovenia? Either way, your idea is great! If you want to expand your business to Europe, Slovenia is a great starting point. And if you [...]
