Tag - company registration

Real estate purchase in SloveniaEU foreign citizens and companies

Real estate purchase in Slovenia/EU: foreign citizens and companies

Real estate purchase in Slovenia by a foreigner The article 68 of the Constitution of Slovenia says that the foreign people may become owners of real estate. The real estate purchase in Slovenia and also the procedure itself depends on which group the foreigner belongs to. Do you know how you can buy real estate in Slovenia? Pension in Slovenia/EU The foreigners [...]

Slovenian business news attend our free webinars on SloveniaEU!

Slovenian business news: attend our free webinars on Slovenia/EU!

Slovenian business news: attend our free webinars! Are you searching for a country to do business in Europe? Choose Slovenia! Slovenia is a country in central Europe, within EU and Schengen zone. It is a great place to start your business and to live here. A great way to learn more about the country is also attending our free webinars. [...]

Annual leave in SloveniaEU - compensation when and how much

Annual leave in Slovenia/EU – compensation: when and how much?

Annual leave in Slovenia – the allowance is the right of the employees Annual leave allowance is the right of employees who also have the right to annual leave in Slovenia. The Employment Relationships Act (ZDR-1) stipulates that it must be paid at least in the amount of the minimum wage. The law also sets a deadline by which you [...]

Immigrating to SloveniaEU based on company setup

Immigrating to Slovenia/EU based on company setup

Immigrating to Slovenia by establishing a company Immigrating to Slovenia is possible in many ways. It can be by employment, studying or reuniting with family. The easiest way it to set up your own company. This way will allow you to both do business in Slovenia as well as live here as the director of the company. What do you [...]

Local taxes in SloveniaEU - news for companies and individuals

Local taxes in Slovenia/EU – news for companies and individuals

Local taxes in Slovenia are changing. The government approved the proposals of the Ministry of Finance and along with it also the changes to the Personal Income Tax Law, the Corporate Income Tax Law and the Value Added Tax Law. Call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp) to learn more about business in Slovenia/EU! Local taxes – the taxes [...]

Electronic signature in SloveniaEU useful tool for remote work

Electronic signature in Slovenia/EU: useful tool for remote work

An electronic signature is a replacement for a handwritten signature. You can use it for online business. With it, you can verify the authenticity of the data and the visibility of the person who signed it. It helps to streamline and digitize both the personal and business processes in the company. This makes business in Europe even more simple. Salary [...]

May dates for our free webinars on business in SloveniaEU

May dates for our free webinars on business in Slovenia/EU

Do you plan to expand your business in Europe and are looking for the optimal country? Then experts at DATA would be happy to explain the advantages of Slovenia as a business destination in Europe. We are providing the information through our free online webinars. We have added new May dates and invite you to attend them. For more information [...]

Opportunity for business in Europe choose Slovenia as your destination!

Opportunity for business in Europe: choose Slovenia as your destination!

Slovenia has an economic system based on the free market. Currently, Slovenia has around 1,200 fast-growing companies, and a large share of them are export-oriented. What is the opportunity for business in Slovenia if you are a foreign citizen? What are the advantages of Slovenia as your business destination in Europe? In this article we are also presenting Slovenia [...]

Free online seminars on business in SloveniaEU

Free online seminars on business in Slovenia/EU

Do you plan on starting a business in Europe? Are you looking for the right country to do it? Consider Slovenia as your business destination in 2021! At DATA we are helping business people from all around the world to set up a company in Slovenia. To make these decisions easier, we also carry our free online seminars of [...]

Sole proprietorship and flat-rate taxation in SloveniaEU

Sole proprietorship and flat-rate taxation in Slovenia/EU

Sole proprietorship (s.p.) is a company type for an individual, who will continue to work as a self-employed person. There are many reasons to set up your first s.p. Maybe the self-employed person has a hobby that will become a business option. You also perhaps plan to start a business on your own or agreed  with a potential client [...]