
HR consulting

Why is HR consulting so important for an entrepreneur?

HR consulting is a service, which includes help with the tasks and decisions in daily practice with the staff, in terms of counselling and individual solutions for simple and complex personnel issues. HR consulting includes advising on employment law, which is necessary for companies and employees. Consultants assist in:preparation and checking of employment contracts, ordinary or extraordinary dismissal by you or an [...]

Why is it so important to have a business plan?

Why is it so important to have a business plan?

Many entrepreneurs underestimate the importance of preparing a business plan in the beginning of their business career. What is needed for a great business plan and why do our consultants confirm its importance? Main points of the business plan Main points of the business plan are:goal, objective problem solutions size of the market, competition product price income and distributionThe definition of these points is the first step of a business [...]

Entry of the Slovenian company into VAT system

Entry of the Slovenian company into VAT system

When the owner opens a company in Slovenia, he is interested in a question whether or not to register company into VAT system? If your company is not in the VAT system, then you have no right to put VAT on the prices of your goods, write invoices with VAT or receive a VAT return. There are several conditions, when [...]

Renewal of a temporary residence permit in Slovenia

Renewal of a temporary residence permit in Slovenia

If you want to live in Slovenia for purposes which are different from those based on Visa, you must first obtain temporary residence permit in Slovenia then permanent residence permit in Slovenia. To work on the territory of Slovenia in addition to work permit, you will also need to obtain a residence permit in the Republic of Slovenia. It will allow [...]

Proposal of the Law on employment, self-employment and work of foreigners

Proposal of the Law on employment, self-employment and work of foreigners

The proposal of the Law on employment, self-employment and work of foreigners introduces the so called single permit, under which foreigners may reside and work in Slovenia, and a single point of entry for all foreigners (Administrative Unit). This means that those non-EU citizens, who are coming to Slovenia for the purpose of employment or work, will no longer need [...]

Time frame for obtaining a residence permit in Slovenia

Time frame for obtaining a residence permit in Slovenia

The procedure of obtaining a residence permit is based on registration of a company in Slovenia, the founder and director of which are allowed to apply for a work permit. After receiving the work permit, the director can apply for a temporary residence permit. We can help you register your company, file your application form for work permit and explain [...]

Important changes and novelties of Aliens Act in Slovenia

Important changes and novelties of Aliens Act in Slovenia

This year Slovenian National Assembly adopted the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Foreigners called Aliens Act. The changes and novelties will enter into force on 1.1.2015. The goals of mentioned changes are focused mainly on elimination of administrative barriers, shortening deadlines for procedures, introduction of a single procedure etc.  One of the important novelties is also [...]

Professional business consulting in Slovenia

Business consulting in Slovenia

Podjetje DATA vam nudi poslovno svetovanje v Sloveniji. Če torej razmišljate o poslovni imigraciji v Slovenijo ali imate vprašanja o registraciji podjetja in pogojih, ne veste, kje bi dobili potrebne informacije o ustanovitvi podjetja in davkih ali potrebujete odgovore na nekatera pravna vprašanja, preden se odločite za širite svoje poslovanje v drugo državo, je to pravi kraj za vas. Pri [...]

How to select a correct name for your company in Slovenia?

How to select a correct name for your company in Slovenia?

When you decide for business immigration and to open a company in Slovenia, you have to find a suitable name for your company. The name of a Slovenian company has to be in Slovenian language. The name may only have Slovenian letters, which are found in the Slovene alphabet. The name name for your company can be in foreign language The name of [...]

Purchase of a ready-made company in Slovenia

Purchase of a ready-made company in Slovenia

If you want to obtain a work permit in Slovenia you can buy a ready-made company in Slovenia. The most common way of obtaining a work permit and residence permit in Slovenia is based on the registration of a company. To apply for a work permit your company has to be established for at least 6 months and have a [...]