Checking the ID number for VAT is important for all entrepreneurs doing business in Europe. But do you know where you can check it? If you have opened a company in Slovenia and have started engaging in business with Slovenian or EU companies, you will most likely have to check whether the company has a valid ID number for VAT. But what exactly is an ID number for VAT and how can you check its validity?
Data d.o.o. is the leading service provider for support in company registration for entrepreneurs starting their business in Slovenia. Additionally, we provide professional accounting services and tax consultation in order to make sure that you issue your invoices for your company correctly. Also, we have a legal department that can support you in obtaining the ID number for VAT purposes and offer professional consultation on Slovenian legislation.
What is an ID number for VAT?
The ID number for VAT is your company’s tax number, which you receive at company registration, with the additional prefix »SI«. The prefix »SI« before a company’s tax number means that the company has identification for purposes of VAT (value added tax) in Slovenia.
Where can you check the ID number for VAT in Slovenia?
The Slovenian tax office (FURS) keeps registries of the validity of the ID numbers for VAT purposes.
There registries include:
- a registry of taxpayers – legal entities,
- registry of taxpayers – natural persons conducing a business activity
- registry of VAT payers – natural persons,
- and a registry of tax payers that got their ID number for VAT cancelled ex-officio.
I want to know more about company registration in Slovenia, EU
How can you check the identification number for VAT in other EU countries?
In order to check the VAT payers in other EU countries, you can check the ID number for VAT purposes on the website: VIES. VIES is an electronic system. It checks the validity of the identification number for VAT purposes for companies that have registered cross-border trading of goods and services in other EU countries. In their system, you can only check the validity for the current date in question.
We recommend checking the validity of the ID number for VAT purposes of your client before issuing the invoice. Only by knowing this information in advance, you can issue the invoice appropriately and calculate the VAT accordingly. You can also turn to the tax advisors and accountants at Data d.o.o. for professional support in this matter.
For more information on company registration in Slovenia, EU, you can write to our email [email protected]. You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.
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