Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia - Choice of company name

Grow your business in Slovenia – Choice of company name

Grow and start your business in Slovenia in few steps. The name of the company is certainly one of the first things that every entrepreneur thinks about.  Hence, when he decides to start his own business in Slovenia. The dilemma is always the same. What name will be impressive and resonant ?  While at the same time is corresponding to the activity with which the company will be engaged? Deciding on a company name may seem unimportant at first glance. However, it can very well affect your business success or market failure. The company name is the first thing your customers and business partners will notice. That is why it should be chosen wisely. In this regard , our team of professionals in DATA company is here to help you.

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Grow your business: Rules that apply when choosing company name

According to the Law on Business Entities the name of the new company must be different. This means to be different from the names of other companies registered. However, this procedure is easy and you can grow your business with sucess. The name of the company (depending on its status form) consists of :

  • abbreviations denoting the activity of the company,
  • abbreviations that determine the status form of the company. And an additional element that separates the company from other companies. For example, in the case of s.p., the name of the entrepreneur is enough.  In the case of d.o.o., so you can be a little more imaginative. The name can contain foreign letters (X, Y, W and Q) . Also letters that are not in the Slavic alphabet (for example Ć and Đ). If you decise to grow your business then you must follow the rules that apply.

The company name must not contain the names or symbols of other countries or international organizations. There are also strict rules regarding the use of the name Slovenia. 

Use our free salary calculator to also learn about the wage in Slovenia/EU

Examples of company names in relation to the status form

If you decide to grow your business as an independent entrepreneur some rules apply. It is recommended that you first enter the activity. Then your name and surname and then write s.p. For example : Digital Marketing , Zana Vuk, s.p. Independent entrepreneurs usually opt for shorter names . That cases consist only of the name and surname of the founder. Then it comes the abbreviation s.p. (e.g. Žana Vuk, s.p.).

If you decide to grow your business as limited value company an additional element is obligatory. Then the activity that the company is primarily engaged is added. And in the continuation of the abbreviations d.o.o. (e.g. Onyx, digital marketing, d.o.o.). In case you decide on a shorter name, an additional element is required at the beginning and then d.o.o. For example e.g. Onyx, d.o.o.  

But how can you open a web shop in Slovenia/EU?


CONTACT US : Do you need support in the process? Our legal experts will be happy to help you. We also update the news on our Facebook  and Instagram. You can also sign up for free webinars on business in Slovenia.


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