Living in Slovenia

Paths of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Paths of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Entrepreneurs often decide to want to oversee their business first-hand, even when doing business in another country. Establishing a company in Slovenia gives you a unique way to relocate to Slovenia by choosing one of the paths of business immigration described below. Paths of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe – only establishing a company is not sufficient Foreigners often think that [...]

Destination for your business – consider Slovenia

Destination for your business – consider Slovenia

Many foreigners have thought about expanding their business to Europe. New entrepreneurs have also considered starting a new business here. Because choosing a destination to open this business is important, we are presenting why to choose Slovenia as your business destination. Destination for business – why Slovenia is a top choice The popularity of Slovenia has been growing in the past [...]

Conditions of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Conditions of business immigration to Slovenia, EU

If you are an entrepreneur and are considering business immigration to Europe, one of the possibilities to relocate to Slovenia is by establishing your own company. In this article, we will explain the conditions you need to fulfill to apply for business immigration to Slovenia. Conditions of business immigration to Slovenia – establishing a company in Slovenia When relocating to Europe, [...]

A company in Slovenia - advantages of having a company in Slovenia

A company in Slovenia – advantages of having a company in Slovenia

When looking for a business destination to start or expand your business to, consider Slovenia. Having a company in Slovenia can give you several advantages to doing business within the EU. A company in Slovenia – Slovenia is a good starting point for business expansion Having a company in Slovenia is advantageous due to its geographic and economic position. The location [...]

Business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Immigration to Slovenia, EU – a guide to business immigration

Are you an entrepreneur and considering relocating to Europe to oversee your business? In that case consider choosing Slovenia as your destination for business immigration. Immigration to Slovenia, EU – advantages of choosing Slovenia Slovenia offers good economic climate to develop your business in Europe. It is located in central Europe, neighboring other strong EU countries like Austria, Hungary, Italy and [...]

Choose Slovenia as your business destination in Europe

Choose Slovenia as your business destination

Are you considering establishing a company in Europe and did not yet decide on a destination? In that case maybe this article will help you to choose Slovenia as the place to start your business in Europe. Choose Slovenia as your business destination – good geographic position Slovenia is located in central Europe, next to Hungary, Croatia, Austria and Italy. It [...]

Investing in real estate in Slovenia as a business opportunity

Investing in real estate in Slovenia as a business opportunity

Due to Slovenia’s recognition in the last years, a lot of foreigners started to travel to Slovenia. Some of them fell in love with Slovenia and others saw it as a good business opportunity. This is one of the main reasons foreigners started investing in real estate in Slovenia. Investing in real estate in Slovenia – what are the options [...]

Your company in Slovenia – a short checklist

Your company in Slovenia – a short checklist

When establishing a new company abroad it is always good to know in advance what you need to prepare so that there are no unpleasant surprises. Below Data has prepared a small checklist of things to consider when establishing your company in Slovenia. Your company in Slovenia – tax number for all shareholders and directors The most important document to consider [...]

Types of investment for business immigration to Slovenia

Types of investment for business immigration to Slovenia

Are you looking into the possibility for business immigration to Slovenia and decided to open a company? In this article we will present to you the types of investment you could make in order to obtain a work and residence permit by establishing a company in Slovenia. Types of investment for business immigration to Slovenia – opening a company Bear in [...]

Foreigners in Slovenia - Hye Yeon Yoon, South Korea

Foreigners in Slovenia – Hye Yeon Yoon, South Korea

Foreigners in Slovenia – Hye Yeon Yoon is preparing to open a restaurant in Ljubljana called “The Shuim” Foreigners in Slovenia tend to decide on opening a company in Slovenia due to the growing recognition of the country. Because of that, foreigners and foreign legal entities can open a company at the Data VEM/SPOT point fast and free of charge. Hye [...]
