Living in Slovenia

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Have you had a business idea that you wanted to fulfill on the European market? In the process, would you also like to personally oversee the company’s business conduct? If yes, you can establish a company in Slovenia and immigrate here through business. Immigrate to Slovenia by establishing a company – conditions of business immigration Only establishing a company does not [...]

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Options for business immigration to Slovenia, EU

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to start or expand the business to new countries? Do you plan on opening a company in Europe? In that case, Slovenia would be a good option to start your business. Having a company in Slovenia also gives you options to proceed with business immigration to oversee your company on-site. Options for business immigration [...]

Relocate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Relocate to Slovenia by establishing a company

Have you been considering opening a company or expanding your business to Europe but have not yet decided on a destination? Are you also considering to oversee your business first-hand after establishing it? Then consider Slovenia for the possibility to relocate here based on business establishment. Relocate to Slovenia by establishing a company – conditions of business immigration Only opening or [...]

GDP of Slovenia - favorable forecast for entrepreneurship

GDP of Slovenia – favorable forecast for entrepreneurship

According to the information of the European commission, the gross domestic product or GDP of Slovenia in 2017 experienced one of the fastest growth rates in the European Union. GDP of Slovenia – rapid growth rate is a good indicator for business in Slovenia Because of the rapid growth rate in 2017, this reflects to business conduct for this year, so [...]

Open your Private Limited Company (LTD) in Slovenia, EU

Open your Private Limited Company (LTD) in Slovenia, EU

Open your own LTD company in Slovenia – are you considering establishing Private Limited Company in Europe? In that case maybe this article will help you to choose Slovenia as the place to start your business in Europe. Open your Private Limited Company (LTD) in Slovenia – new LTD company Establishing a new LTD company as a natural person has the [...]

Coffee shop is a great idea for your business in Slovenia, Europe

Coffee shop is a great idea for your business!

Coffee shop is a great idea for your business! As many people around the world, people in Slovenia also enjoy drinking coffee. Therefore, the coffee shop idea is not a bad idea for the development of your own business in Slovenia. The tradition of drinking coffee in Slovenia is very strong! Coffee shop as a business idea – a large number [...]

Emigration from non-EU countries to Slovenia through business

Emigration from non-EU countries to Slovenia through business

If you are thinking about expanding your business or start it abroad, you should also consider the possibility of business emigration. In this article we will write about business emigration to Slovenia, EU. Emigration to Slovenia, EU – why to choose Slovenia? Many entrepreneurs choose Slovenia due to its geographic and economic position. The location in central Europe and next to the [...]

Ways of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

Ways of business immigration to Slovenia, Europe

In the past years, many foreigners have decided to open a company in Slovenia due to Slovenia’s growing popularity in the world. Once the company is established, the owners usually want to oversee its company’s business conduct. To be able to do that, the foreigners would have to apply for work and residence permit in Slovenia. There are several [...]

Turnover of your company in Slovenia – path for business immigration

Turnover of your company in Slovenia – path for business immigration

There are several ways through which a company in Slovenia gains the right to employ non-EU citizens. If you have a clear business plan and you will start doing business immediately after the company is established, consider your company’s turnover for a possibility for business immigration to Slovenia. Turnover of your company in Slovenia – how can turnover make business [...]

Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU

Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding company establishment in Slovenia is how much time it takes for a company to be established. The timeline depends on the chosen company type and we will present three of them in this article. Timeline of company establishment in Slovenia, EU – new LTD company Establishing a new LTD company as a natural [...]
