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Taxes in the EU

Taxes in the EU – in which countries are paying the highest amount of taxes?

Have you ever wondered what are the taxes in the EU, where the Union citizens pay the highest taxes? Computer graphics of the European Parliament shows trends between 2012 and 2015, which colects statistics tax rates, the type of tax and the income generated from the tax system. Taxes in the EU The highest excise tax is paid by citizens of Denmark [...]

Do you want to transfer business to Slovenia?

Do you want to transfer business to Slovenia?

Foreign entrepreneurs are often asking themselves “How to transfer business to Slovenia?” Transfer of business – this is an extremely important step that requires careful consideration and a thorough approach, not to mention that if you want to transfer business to Slovenia, which is a member of the European Union, which means that you are transferring business outside of your [...]

Qualities of entrepreneur

Qualities of entrepreneur

Despite the fact that in the whole world is hard to find two enterpreneurs, which would be exactly the same, there are some “orientations”, of qualities of entrepreneur, that inspire even successful businessmen. Website Entrepreneur determines the best qualities of an entrepreneur, but points out that the whole can and should learn. Do you have qualities of entrepreneur? First of all, [...]

Registration of a construction company in Slovenia

Registration of a construction company in Slovenia

Are you interested in the opening of a construction company in Slovenia? Then it should be noted that this activity is regulated, which means, to start your business you need to get permission. Construction has always been and remains quite profitable business. At the moment, Europe is emerging from the crisis and the construction business also starts to rise. If [...]

Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia

Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia

After the registration of the company many foreign citizens are interested in obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia. Obtaining or renewal of a residence permit in Slovenia – how to? Obtaining a residence permit is possible if company satisfies one of the conditions of active business in Slovenia. In some cases it is possible to avoid meeting these conditions, [...]

Slovenian transport companies

Slovenian transport companies are highly sought after

The demand for the Slovenian transport companies in Europe is great, and representatives of transport companies says that the Slovenian transport companies enjoy good reputation because they are efficient and reliable. High demand for Slovenian transport companies is the reason for the deficit of drivers in Slovenia and to transport companies prevents that they get more work abroad. Transport companies [...]

Forms of business in Slovenia

Forms of business in Slovenia, Europe

Do you want to open a company in Slovenia or you are just interested in forms of business in Slovenia? In this article, we would like to describe different forms of business in Slovenia. Forms of business in Slovenia There is quite a variety of forms of business in Slovenia: individual entrepreneur (s.p.), a private limited company (d.o.o), a society with unlimited liability company [...]

Open the company in Slovenia and become a Paypal user

Open the company in Slovenia and become a Paypal user

PayPal services are being used by more than 133 million users in 106 countries around the world and is the largest and most popular online payment system between online retailers and consumers. PayPal is a service that is used for payment and money transfers over the internet. By using it, customers can transfer money to the accounts of other PayPal [...]

Registration of IT company in Slovenia

Registration of IT company in Slovenia

Are you interested in registration of IT company in Slovenia? We live in a world of high technology, where IT industry is developing at a breakneck pace. The shortage of IT specialists and companies that provide this type of service, is also felt in Europe. If you want to move your IT business in Europe, or to open a [...]

Annual leave

Annual leave

Annual leave – the employer has the right to define it The employee can choose only one day of using annual leave or a week during school holidays, if the employee has children of school age, the remaining days included in the annual leave, the employer may determine. The remaining days included in the annual leave shall be in accordance with [...]
