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conditions to open

Conditions to open Ltd – who can, and who can’t open one?

Are you an entrepreneur and you want to know the conditions to open Ltd? You are in the right place. In general, the conditions to open a limited liability company relate to certain legal restrictions on the appointment of partners and representatives. Also, what are the conditions to open Ltd at a DATA point? Let’s explore! If you want [...]

open an ltd

Open an Ltd – does the founding capital have to be in cash?

Are you an entrepreneur and you want to open an Ltd (limited liability company) in Slovenia? Do you know the minimum amount of the capital for company registration? What is the option if you want to invest something else than money? Do you also want to start business in Slovenia? Then call us at +386 40 530 718or send [...]

sole entrepreneur

Sole entrepreneur – can a foreigner become one?

Sole entrepreneur – can foreigner become one? This is common question our consultants get. Foreigner can become sole entrepreneur if he or she met some conditions. But also if you don’t met condition to open s.p. you can still register company in Slovenia! Do you want to start business in Slovenia? Then contact us! You can call us on [...]

Renting property

Renting property in Slovenia as a business activity

Do you plan to invest in real estate in Europe? Owning real estate is always a good investment option, especially in the current economic climate where there is more demand than there is available property. If you want to transform ownership of a property into business, you can open a company in Slovenia and purchase the property through the [...]

Conditions for company registration

Conditions for company registration in Slovenia

The conditions for company registration are defined by the Companies Act (ZGD-1). What is that? What conditions you will need to fullfill? Or what about the conditions for registering a company (s.p. or d.o.o.) at the DATA spot? Are there any special conditions? Also what documents you will need? If you have any dilemmas about starting a company, you [...]

start a construction company

Start a construction company in Slovenia – a business boom!

Do you want to start a construction company in Slovenia? Do you know under which type of company can you register it? If you are not sure, don’t worry! This article will explore the basic conditions and more. Also, did you know that Slovenia offers a lot of business advantages? Do you know some of them? In either case, [...]

What type of company

What type of company in Slovenia is the best for you

There are few types of companies in Slovenia, but what type of company is the best choice for you? If you have decided to open a company, first you need to know what are the diferences and which one suits you best! You are planning to start a business but are not quite sure what type of business to [...]


Accounting services and bookkeeping in Slovenia

Accounting services are the most important part of every company. Are you planning to start business in Slovenia? Then you must know this! All Slovenian companies must keep accounting records! And once a year to make a balance sheet. This is in accordance with the Law on Slovenian companies. And in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards and International [...]

Owner of a company – obtaining work and residence permit

Owner of a company – obtaining work and residence permit

If you have been thinking about opening a company in Slovenia, you probably also thought about the responsibilities of the owner of the company. In this article, we will be explaining who can be an owner of the company. What are his responsibilities? And how he can obtain a work and residence permit for Slovenia? Do you want to [...]

residential property

Residential property as a business opportunity in Slovenia, EU

Residential property can be business opportunity in Slovenia. Did you plan to invest in real estate in Slovenia? For the purpose of long-term? Or maybe short-term rent? Then you can buy residential property This is possible after company registration. The process of company establishment in Slovenia is simple. Also, it gives you a good possibility for return on investment [...]
