Tag - register LTD company

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

Year 2018 was a successful year for company registration

As it has been already one whole month of the New Year, it is time for analyzing how successful the previous year was. The company Data is a licensed company registration point (VEM point) and several entrepreneurs, both local and foreign, decide to perform company registration in our office. But you can also perform other changes related to the [...]

Start your business in EU by opening a company in Slovenia

Start your business in EU by opening a company in Slovenia

If you are considering opening a company in Europe, Slovenia is a good destination to choose. If you start your business in Slovenia, you have the option to participate in a fresh and stable European market. Start your business in EU – why choose Slovenia? Choosing the location where to start your business in Europe is one of the most crucial [...]

Starting your own business in Slovenia, Europe

Starting your own business in Slovenia, EU

Do you have a dream of becoming an entrepreneur and starting your own business? In this article we are presenting Slovenia as one of the possibilities where you can make this dream a reality. Starting your own business in Slovenia, EU – why choose Slovenia? If you are thinking about starting your own business in Europe, you might want to consider [...]

Conditions for web design company in Slovenia

Start web design company in Slovenia, in EU

Start web design company in Slovenia and expand your business to EU! Non-EU citizens very often decide to start web design company in Slovenia, because it’s one of the most wanted jobs in Slovenia and in the world.  The demand for web design and web pages is growing every day. That is why the company in Slovenia could be [...]