Slovenian society and integration through business migration

Slovenian society and integration through business migration

Slovenian society and Slovenia

Slovenian society is open, free and democratic. Slovenia is a country in middle Europe, a EU member state, a member of EU and a member of NATO. From 1991 Slovenia is an independent country and in 2004 joined with EU and NATO. In 2007 became part of eurozone and from 2010 is a member of global association of developed countries with high incomes. True treasure of Slovenia is nature and natural resources, people, natural beauty and tourism. Moreover, Slovenia has low criminal rate and low income inequality. Official language is slovenian while hungarian and italian are minority languages in mixed environments.

Business migration is very appealing option for business people because registration of a company in Slovenia is the easiest and fastest way for obtaining work and residence permit.  It is also the easiest way for family union. For more information write us on [email protected] or call us on +386 64 173 023 (Viber/WhatsApp).

Want to know more about business migration to Slovenia? Apply for the free webinar!

Courses of slovenian language

For intergration into slovenian society is necessary to have at least basic knowledge of slovenian language. There are free programs of learning slovenian language and understanding slovenian society. Citizens of third countries can apply and attend the course. Course contains 180 or 60 + 120 hours, depending on what kind of residence permit you have.

Administrative unit is issuing a special conformation for fulfilling the conditions if you decide to take a course. Administrative tax for application is 22,60 EUR. Programs are free, but travelling and study material expenses are yours. If you attend at least 80 hours of the course, taking the exam on basic level is free.

For more information call us on +386 64 173 023 (Viber/WhatsApp) or write on [email protected]

Health and social insurance

If you get injured or ill during your stay in Slovenia, you can visit any of local health centers and you will receive necessary health care. Expenses for provided health care is in most cases covered by health and social insurance. Slovenia has signed international agreements on health insurance with numerous countries. Moreover, if you are interested what those agreements includes, you are welcome to contact our law experts. They can provide you with guidance on your health insurance rights in Slovenia.

In case of any kind of social problem that you find yourself in, you can contact Social Work Centers in Slovenia. Staff can help you find a possible solution, provide information and guidance. For instance, if you fulfill legal conditions you can apply for financial help. Contact our financial expert on [email protected].

Use our free salary calculator to learn about the wage in Slovenia/EU

Education and residence in Slovenia

The school system in Slovenia is divided into three sections of education – primary, secondary and tertiary. Citizens of other EU countries can enroll in education system and are equal with slovenian citizens. Other foreign citizens can enter education system in Slovenia by cooperation agreements.

If you or your family members intend to integrate in slovenian society, get education or to practice your profession, you can send us your documentation. Our legal experts in Data d.o.o. can advise and prepare you for the procedures. Therefore, if you acquired high qualifications in you country you can apply for BLUE CARD EU. Also, blue card EU represent unique permit for work and residence on base of higher education.

New company can employ foreign citizens with university diplomas on base of blue card EU. In that case family union is immediately possible. Family members also can automaticaly obtain residence permit in Slovenia.

Data d.o.o. can help you with all necessary procedures for integration in slovenian society, opening a company and obtaing work and residence permit in Slovenia. Our legal and tax experts can offer you support and guide you through process of business migration in Slovenia. Contact them on [email protected].

You can also follow us on our Facebook  and Instagram for more information. We also host free webinars on business migration to Slovenia.


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