Registering your trademark in Slovenia and EU

Registering your trademark in Slovenia and EU

If you have a product or service unique to you and would want to ensure that it is not misused without your knowledge, you can do so by registering your trademark. Starting your business in Slovenia by opening a company here will be the first step in entering the European market where you can also do the business in Europe. You can also register your trademark for the entire EU space.

Register a company with support of Data d.o.o.

Data d.o.o. has over 28 years of supporing entrepreneurs. We provide full support from company registration, legal support in understanding of the Slovenian legislation and assistance with registering your trademark, professional accountancy services and tax consultation.

Are you considering company registration in Slovenia?

Call us for more information to +386 1 6006 270 or write to us on


What is a trademark?

A trademark means protecting your intelectual property. It offers security and defense against competitors, who want to benefit from using your product or service. Registering a trademark will also mean increased reputation and quality of the product in the eyes of the consumers.

Why is it good to register a trademark?

A brand for which you obtained an appropriate trademark, ensures legal protection. With this kind of protection, you can legally demand that noone else uses the name brand which you have trademark.

If you register a trademark, it can also increase the added value of your company and your product. A brand can represent the assets of the company and can be subjected to licencing and hence sold to other users and still receiving profit. Also, a brand can improve a negotiation position in case of take over or merger of a company.

Having a trademark also gives the company a certain reputation and raises trust in consumers. It also contributes in building a favourable image of the company.

A registered trademark offers the possibility to inscrease a companys park in a certain market. The holder of the brand can request removing products that are similar to theri own from the market.

Trademark protection gives the holder exclusive right to prevent others from marketing the same or similar products under the identical or similar brand. This will also ensure the companys higher part of profits.

Register your trademark for the entire European Union!

If you plan on doing business in other EU countries, it would be reasonable to register your trademark for the entire EU. You can submit your application at the European Union Office for Intellectual Property (EUIPO). The key factor would be to have the brand professionally assessed. You will also have to place the brand in the appropriate class of services and decide whether you will also include the logotype registration in the trademark registration process.

If you would like more information on company registration in Slovenia, send us an e-mail to You can also contact us over the phone 00386 1 6006 270 or 00386 40 530 718 (Viber, WhatsApp). You can also follow us on Facebook.

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