Free online presentation on business in Slovenia/EU

Free online presentation on business in SloveniaEU

Free online presentation on various topics of business in Slovenia!

Start a business in Europe by opening a company in Slovenia! Do you want to learn more on how you can do business in Slovenia and also move here? Then do not hesitate and apply for our free online presentation! We are carrying out two webinars both of which are free. Learn all about Slovenia from local experts! Apply now!

Call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp), skype data.business7 or landline +386 1 6006 270 to learn more about business in Slovenia!

The free online presentation about business immigration and company setup in Slovenia

The first free online presentation we started carrying out is about company registration in Slovenia. This is also our most popular webinar. We explain how you can become self employed in Slovenia. Also, we explain other company types you can open in Slovenia. For non-EU citizens, we present also how your can apply for business immigration. The webinar usually lasts for 20 minutes. At the end, you can also ask questions. Our experts will be happy to answer. You can learn about life and business in Slovenia in our free online presentation.

Do you want to also learn more about it from our experts? Here are the dates to apply in July:

  • 15th July 2021 at 10:00 CET.
  • 22nd July 2021 at 10:00 CET.

Apply for the free webinar

The webinar on residency in Slovenia for EU citizens

EU citizens can learn about Slovenia and their options for business in our other free online presentation. What will this webinar include? All about business types, residence permits and options for citizens of the EU.  This webinar will also last about 20 minutes. At the end, there are also around 15 minutes for your questions. If you want to also learn more about our next webinars and the updates, follow us on  Facebook  and Instagram. Also, be in touch as we might prepare webinars for other topics as well. The webinar for EU citizens will include all data about residence permits as well as the options you have when it comes to business in Slovenia.  You can apply on the dates for the free online presentation here:

  • 15th July 2021 at 14:00 CET.
  • 22nd July 2021 at 14:00 CET.

Apply for the free webinar

Experts at DATA are looking forward to meeting you. Apply now to not miss a chance to learn about Slovenia.

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