Employment relationship and types of employment contracts

Employment relationship and types of employment contracts

Employment relationship in Slovenia

Employment relationship is a contractual relationship between an employer and an employee. It is based on an employment contract. Hence, the employment relationship is also based on the benefit of both parties. The employer needs a worker with certain knowledge and skills. And the employee will do the job for which he will be paid. It is also important for the employer to know all types of work engagement. In that way he can choose the one that suits him best at a given moment. Want to learn more about this ? Then, we suggest you to read this article.

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Employment relationship and types of employment contracts

There are several types of work engagement that depends on the scope of work, time limit (part-time or indefinite work, part-time work), etc. Also it depends on the wishes and needs of the employer and employee or cooperation between. The type of employment contract also reflects the manner of cooperation. Is employment relationship important? You need assistance? Then our legal professionals will be happy to advise you.

Work contract

An employment contract for an indefinite period includes the basic form of employment relationship. What is more, the employee involves in the work process and performs the work for the employer for the agreed salary. Such a contract provides the employee with the most security. Based on this employment contract, the employer has to register the employee for social insurance. A fixed term employment contract generally precedes by a fixed term employment or probationary contract. This ensures the employer and checks whether the candidate will fit well into the team.

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Part-time employment contract

Employment relationship through part time work includes performing temporary and occasional jobs. The contract is concluded between the ordering party and the part-time worker. The part-time worker is obliged to perform a certain job for the ordering party for a certain time and to be paid for that. This type of contract allows the part-time worker to organize his working hours as he wishes. It allows the client to terminate the contract when he no longer needs the services and is not obliged to pay compensation. Also, the ordering party is not obliged to register the worker in social insurance on the basis of such a contract.

Copyright agreement

The author’s contract obliges the author to create a certain work and hand it over to the client. What is their employment relationship? He pays him a certain fee for the author’s work. The author’s work is an original work of the author and can be from the field of literature, science, or art. An author’s work can be diverse. This contract is like a part-time work contract, the only difference is in the subject of the contract. An author’s work has scientific or artistic value, while the definition of part-time work is much broader.

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Agreement on (business) cooperation

A contract on (business) cooperation can be concluded by two legal entities. One contracting party is the customer of services. The other provides services and for that he receives the agreed payment. The contracting parties precisely determine the scope of work and the work that needs to be done. Do you have a question? You want to learn more about employment relationship? Then, call us on VIber/WhatsApp +386 30 640 995 and find out what we have to offer for you! Our legal experts can guide you every step of the way.

Employment relationship and its conclusion

Termination of employment can occur for various reasons. So, what are the reasons? If a certain project finishes, then it  concludes the cooperation between the employer and the employee. Thus, a possible reason may be that the work of the employee is no longer of sufficient quality or professional. What can be another reason? In this regard, maybe the employee decides to change his career. It is important that the conclusion of business cooperation is correct and correct to the employee and to the employer.

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