Company email address in Slovenia/EU: entry in the register

Company email address in SloveniaEU entry in the register

Company email address in Slovenia has to be registered with AJPES

All companies doing business in Slovenia have to register on the AJPES system. The Companies Act changed this year. Now it also requires that all existing companies enter their company email address to the register. They have to do it unitl February 24th of the year 2022.

Call us on +386 40 530 718 (Viber/WhatsApp) or also on skype data.business7 to learn more about business in Slovenia/EU!

Which companies have to register their email with AJPES?

This is mandatory for all capital and for all personal companies. You also have to do it for all associations and branches of companies. But sole traders do not have to register it. Follow our  Facebook  and Instagram for more updates.

Use our free salary calculator to also learn about the wage in Slovenia/EU

How can you register your company email address with AJPES?

The company can include the data to the register under one of its members in one of these ways:

  • they submit a proposal of the change at any SPOT point in Slovenia,
  • or they fill the proposal out manually and send by email or by post to any AJPES branch in Slovenia,
  • they bring or send out the application in letter request form to any AJPES branch in Slovenia,
  • if they are also doing any other changes, they can submit the request to enter the company email address along with that request. They can do that at any SPOT point or at the notary office.

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The company email address will also be visible in AJPES for all users

When you enter the company email address into the register it will be visible to all users of the Slovenian Business Registry. This can lead to a bigger amount of emails being sent to your company’s address.  That is why our legal experts suggest that you use a separate email for the purpose of these general notifications.

What are the fines?

In case you do not enter the email to the register, your company can get a fine. The Companies Act (ZGD-1K) foresees these fines:

  • from 15.000 to 45.000 EUR for a large company,
  • 10.000 to 30.000 EUR for a medium-sized company,
  • from 2.500 to 15.000 EUR for a small company,
  • 1.000 to 6.000 EUR for a micro company.




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