Living in Slovenia

Investment for business immigration to Slovenia/EU

Investment for business immigration to Slovenia/EU

Investment for business immigration to Slovenia – open a company and move to the EU! Investment for business reasons is a good starting point if you plan to move to EU. In Slovenia, you have the option to open a company and invest in your business. This will enable you to also move to Slovenia. Do you want to learn [...]

Learn about business in Slovenia EU in our free webinars!

Learn about business in Slovenia/EU in our free webinars!

Learn about business in Slovenia/EU by attending our free weekly webinars! Learn about business in Europe! Many people have the wish to start business in Europe. Are you one of them? If yes, choose Slovenia as your destination in EU! If you want to learn more about life and business in Slovenia, choose one of the webinars below and apply [...]

Webinars on business in Slovenia EU dates in September

Webinars on business in Slovenia/EU: dates in September

Webinars on business in Slovenia: apply for dates in September now! Webinars on business are a great way to learn about the options you have for company registration in a new country. At DATA, we have been carrying out webinars on business in Slovenia since April 2021. They are weekly webinars and include information on life and business in Europe. [...]

Business and immigration to Slovenia EU

Business and immigration to Slovenia/EU

Business and immigration to Slovenia/EU – how does the process look like? Business and immigration to Slovenia are often the interest of those who want to expand their business to Europe. In this article we will explain how you can open a company in Slovenia. In addition, we write about how you can employ foreign citizens in that company as [...]

Free business webinars learn all about Slovenia EU and apply now!

Free business webinars: learn all about Slovenia/EU and apply now!

Free business webinars about life and business in Slovenia! Apply now! Free business webinars are a great was to learn about business in Europe.  Slovenia is one of the EU countries which if very popular for business setup. It also has a good economic status and a high life standard. One webinar is about  business in Slovenia and options for [...]

Informative webinar on business and life in SloveniaEU

Informative webinar on business and life in Slovenia/EU

Informative webinar on business and life in Slovenia/EU: new dates in August! Would you like to learn more about life and business in Europe? Slovenia offers a great choice for both. It is an EU country, which is also in the Schengen zone. Due to the geographic location and good economic predictions, it is a popular choice among foreign business [...]

EU Blue card in Slovenia how to obtain it

EU Blue card in Slovenia: how to obtain it?

EU Blue card in Slovenia: what is it? Many business people who do business in Europe also plan to apply for some type of residence permit. This would allow them to live here in addition to doing the business. One of the permit types is also a blue card. What is it? Did you know that you can also obtain [...]

Free live webinars about life and business in SloveniaEU apply now!

Free live webinars about life and business in Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Free live webinars: learn about Slovenia by attending our webinars! As the global markets are improving after the pandemic, business in Europe has become quite a popular chocice for foreign business people. They opt to start a new business or expand their business to new markets. Because of the location and good economic growth, Slovenia has become a popular choice [...]

Business webinars about SloveniaEU apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: attend our free webinars in June and July! If you plan to expand your business in Europe, we suggest Slovenia as your business destination. Why? Because Slovenia offers a great starting point to do business. This is because it is located in Central Europe. Because of this it is a hub to export your products and [...]

Investment in Slovenia EU and company registration

Investment in Slovenia/EU and company registration

Investment in Slovenia – reasons Lately, investment in Slovenia is something foreigners decide on when they think about business immigration to Slovenia. They see the state as a good  choice to invest in real estate in order to expand their business. Through a Slovenian company, you can also do business in Europe. Slovenia is also a good option because of [...]
