
Starting business in Slovenia - introduction in minimum wage!

Starting business in Slovenia – introduction in minimum wage!

Starting business in Slovenia – introduction in cost of living and minimum wage There are a lot of questions about minimum wage before starting business in Slovenia. How often does it change? When did it change last? How does it relate to the living standard? Well, you are on the right place to find out all the important information. In [...]

Business income exempt from income tax - which are they?

Business income exempt from income tax – which are they?

There are many forms of business income exempt from income tax. In Slovenia, it is Income Tax Act (ZDoh-2) defines the income exempt from income tax. Do you know which are they? If you don’t, then this article will give you the information. Besides, do you also want to know more about income tax or other taxes? Contact us [...]

Close a company - how to do it quickly?

Close a company – how to do it quickly?

Closing a company – quick ways Are you an owner and you want to close a company? However, you want to close it quickly? This article will help you find out the ways you can do that. In general, there are several ways you can close a company. Most often, regular processes are carried out or if the company is [...]

Latest online sales trends and online shops in 2023

Latest online sales trends and online shops in 2023

Latest online sales trends and shops in the times of inflation, supply chain problems and new role of physical stores Online shops are more and more popular. New entrepreneurs follow online trends and other profitable business ideas. However, it is consumers and their circumstances that dictate the trends that entrepreneurs follow. For example, inflation and the new roles of physical [...]

Shareholder withdrawal from LTD - reasons and methods

Shareholder withdrawal from LTD – reasons and methods

Withdrawal of a shareholder The withdrawal of a shareholder from a limited liability company (Ltd) can be voluntary, but it can also be in the form of expulsion. Therefore, how can you arrange the withdrawal of a member of a Ltd? Usually, there can be a lot of reasons that can lead to a shareholder withdrawal. However, one cannot simply [...]

Determining the name of the company - how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – how hard it is?

Determining the name of the company – the hardest step in setting up a business? Shareholders usually say that to determining the name of the company is the most difficult part when they open a limited liability company (Ltd). Why is that? First, it is necessary to choose a unique name that represents company in the market and identifies the [...]

register a company in Slovenia - first steps

Registration procedure of a company in Slovenia – First steps

Registration procedure of a business – First things first Most potential entrepreneurs firstly ask about the registration procedure of a business. Certainly, they have a lot of questions. Actually, questions never stop to appear because business activities depend on conditions and factors that often change. Do you want to open a company, but don’t know where? The answer is DATA! [...]

Deductible LTD - what it is and type of taxation

Deductible LTD – what is it and type of taxation

Deductible Ltd (limited liability company) and service activities Deductible Ltd is same as every other type of company. The difference from others is the type of taxation. In essence, a deductible Ltd does not pay tax on its profits, but on a base of deductible expenses. To be precise, these are 80 % of revenue, but with limits if the [...]

Registration process of LTD in Slovenia - the fastest way

Registration process of LTD in Slovenia – the fastest way

Registration process and waiting time You want to open an LTD (limited liability company), but you don’t know anything about the registration process? Don’t worry. This article will help you. LTD is the most famous type of company registered in Slovenia. The process is also simple. However, there are two things that need consideration. Firstly, the time it takes to [...]

Work permits issued hit record - Open a company in Slovenia!

Work permits issued hit record – Open a company in Slovenia!

Foreign workers – 54,000 applications last year, a new record this year! Surprisingly, in July foreign workers made more than than an eighth of the labor force in Slovenia. The Employment Service expects a record number of applications for work permits by the end of the year. To stress, DATA does not employ. We provide services for registration a business [...]
