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How to buy real estate in Slovenia?

How to buy real estate in Slovenia, EU?

How to buy real estate in Slovenia – process Would you like to buy real estate in Slovenia? The process of business immigration ultimately includes the availability of real estate in Slovenia. Naturally, most people want to buy real estate in order to avoid problems with the lease. If you want to buy real estate in Slovenia as a natural person, [...]

VAT in Slovenia and other European countries

VAT in Slovenia and other European countries (in Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Italy)

Would you like to compare VAT in Slovenia and other European countries (in Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Italy)? This is a very valid question, if you are considering to bring your business to Slovenia and enter the VAT system. VAT – this is the value added tax; indirect tax, exceptions in the budget of the economy in parts of the value [...]

Open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide

Open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide

If you are a person, who loves new challenges and travelling but who is also organized and likes to work with people, you can combine your passion with the business world – you can open a company in Slovenia and become a tourist guide. In order to do that you have to take the exam at the Chamber of [...]

The cost of opening a company in Slovenia

The cost of opening a company in Slovenia

The question about the cost of opening a company in Slovenia appears quite often. We at Data realize that the rationalization of expenses during a business migration is utterly important, especially if you would like to carry out the process of a business migration with your family. The cost of opening a company in Slovenia: first the founding capital Firstly, we have [...]

Registration of a company in Slovenia

Registration of a company in Slovenia with our help

Even though Slovenia is among smaller companies, it offers a broad specter of options for establishing and registration of a company.  Since we know how time is very valuable nowadays, Data d. o. o. offers you registration of a company in one hour at a system called One Stop Shop. The main idea of One Stop Shop is to be lead [...]

Which is the easiest way to register a company in Slovenia?

Which is the easiest way to register a company in Slovenia?

Do you have a business idea but do not know, which the easiest way to register a company in Slovenia? The registration of a branch company is just one of the possibilities for foreign entrepreneurs, which have decided to expand their business to Slovenia, but due to the great extent of day-to-day obligations do not find the time to participate [...]

The best business destination in the world: Slovenia is amongst them!

The best business destination in the world: Slovenia is amongst them

Slovenia was ranked amongst the list of 20 world countries, which enjoy the reputation of a »best business destination« because of its economy supported by a stable financial system. It was ranked at the 20th place, which is quite an enviable result that we should be proud of. Foreigners see a potential for doing business in Slovenia and good conditions, [...]

Free procedure of company registration in Slovenia

Free procedure of company registration in Slovenia

If you have decided to start the procedure of company registration in Slovenia – to open just a private limited company – LTD. without adding special articles in the founding act and the initial capital in a minimum amount of € 7,500 and no material assets, means you can make the procedure of opening the company free of charge [...]

Steps of business immigration to Slovenia

Steps of business immigration to Slovenia

What are the different steps of business immigration to Slovenia? To some people seems that business immigration to Slovenia is complex and ambiguous. But in fact, the business immigration process involves two main stages: company registration and obtaining a single permit to live and work in Slovenia. Steps of business immigration to Slovenia are clear and simple preparation of documentation before [...]

How to open a company in Slovenia

How to open a company in Slovenia

Are you asking yourself how to open a company in Slovenia? To open a company in Slovenia is quite simple process, you just need to register a company in Slovenia and choose an appropriate form of business activity (from a special classifier). Company DATA has a state license for the registration of legal entities and is ready to provide you [...]
