Business address of your future company in Slovenia

Business address of your future company in Slovenia

Where will the business address of your future company in Slovenia be?

It is necessary to decide on a business seat and business address of the company in the process of opening a company in Slovenia. The business seat is the city where the office will be located and the business address is the street and house number.

If you plan to use the business address for the company on the same address where you are living in Slovenia but you are not the owner of the property, the actual owner of the property has to sign the consensus and certify it at the notary or at the administrative unit.

It is less expensive to certify it at the administrative unit, where the price of the procedure is approximately 3 EUR while at the notary the same procedure costs 17 EUR.

If there is no consensus from the owner of the property, the company cannot be added to the Slovenia’s court registry. If the company is already in the court registry and does not have this consensus then the company will be deleted from the court registry.

The approval of the owner of the property in necessary in order to conduct business of the company at the business address from the change of the legislation of the Companies Law (ZGD-1H), which came into effect on 9.10.2013. Before the date, there was no need for such a procedure.

The process of termination of a business entity is lead accordingly to the Law on financial operations, insolvency proceedings and compulsory dissolution (ZFPPIPP) and based on the proposal of the applicant, not in the line of duty. The owner of the property has to submit the proof of ownership of the property in addition to the application and apply for it at the competent court (based on the seat of the company).

Opening a company in Slovenia – how can we help you in the process?

The company DATA can offer you complete support and consultation on the types of business conduct in Slovenia, the actual process of company registration, obtaining work and residence permits. We also offer a business address (virtual office), accounting services, tax and accounting consultation, legal consultation from the fields of economic, labor and migration law as well as all other support connected to business conduct.

Contact us!

Write us an e-mail to the address [email protected], give us a call on the telephone number, +386 1 6006 270, Viber/WhatsApp: +386 40 530 718, or contact us on Skype: data.business7. You can also follow us on Facebook.

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