Author - Alja Arko

New vacancies in September for our webinars on business in Slovenia!

New vacancies in September for our webinars on business in Slovenia!

Since April 2020, we have started a new way to contact potential clients  who are interested in business in Europe– through live webinars we conduct online. This was a good way to reach clients during the coronavirus outbreak but due to popular demand we are continuing with new vacancies every month. Now, we have published new vacancies for our [...]

Commercial activity in Slovenia popular choices of foreign entrepreneurs

Commercial activity in Slovenia: popular choices of foreign entrepreneurs

Starting a business in Europe is a dream of many entrepreneurs. Opening a company in Slovenia gives you the opportunity to engage in the vibrant European market and offer your services throughout EU. But deciding on which commercial activity the company is sometimes difficult, especially if you have experience in various fields. To make your decision easier, we have [...]

Choices of business development in Slovenia

Choices of business development in Slovenia

Are you considering starting a business in Europe? Even in times of the global pandemic, the European market have proven itself to be one of the best choices for business expansion. Slovenia is one of the most prosperous countries in the EU and it offers various possibilities on business expansion, depending on your previous experience. Do you want to start [...]

Related parties and entering the VAT system in Slovenia – conditions

Related parties and entering the VAT system in Slovenia – conditions

Entrepreneurs who do business in Europe often ask about the conditions to enter the VAT system. While we have already explained the subject in our previous articles, we wanted to emphasize the differences for entering the VAT system when there are several related parties. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is [...]

Positive statistics on revenue and added value of business in Slovenia

Positive statistics on revenue and added value of business in Slovenia

The Statistical Office of Slovenia has posted positive statistics about business in Slovenia. In 2019, there were 149.257 active companies. They generated 105.6 billion EUR of revenue from sales. The companies that contributed the most to the growth were engaged in processing industry and in professional and scientific activity. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also [...]

Terminology used in business in Slovenia 

Terminology used in business in Slovenia 

When you are doing business in Europe, each country uses different terminology for business terms. We have gathered the most commonly used terminology which you would use as an entrepreneur in Slovenia. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding what is best for the success of your business? Apply for our free webinar on company registration [...]

September dates for our free webinars on business in Slovenia available!

September dates for our free webinars on business in Slovenia available!

We are continuing with our free webinars on business in Slovenia even in the fall. For some of the webinars, we have already added new dates in September, while for others we will be adding them shortly. Stay updated on our webinars in September and also use this opportunity to learn more on business in Europe by applying to [...]

Employment of foreigners in your Slovenian company

Employment of foreigners in your Slovenian company

The employment of foreigners is a current topic for 45% of companies in Slovenia. They face a failed search for staff when doing business in Slovenia. If you want to learn in what ways you can employ foreign staff in your company in Slovenia, we have prepared an informative article for you. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? [...]

Digital business conduct in Slovenia - a proposal for new tax rules

Digital business conduct in Slovenia – a proposal for new tax rules

Digital business in Europe is increasingly on the rise, while current tax rules are not keeping pace with digital progress. As a result, they are no longer relevant to today’s situation, as companies rely heavily on intangible assets, data and automation to facilitate cross-border online trading without a physical presence. In 2018, digital companies were treated more favorably than [...]

Sole trader in Slovenia normalized expenses possible also for foreigners!

Sole trader in Slovenia: normalized expenses possible also for foreigners!

Being a sole trader or sole proprietor with normalized expenses is a very popular option of doing business in Slovenia. Normalized expenses mean that the sole trader pays only 4% of income tax. Even as a foreigner you can become a sole trader, under certain conditions. Do you want to start a business in Slovenia? Are you also having trouble understanding [...]
