Accounting services are the most important part of every company. Are you planning to start business in Slovenia? Then you must know this! All Slovenian companies must keep accounting records! And once a year to make a balance sheet. This is in accordance with the Law on Slovenian companies. And in accordance with the Slovenian Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards. Do you want to start company registration in Slovenia? Then call us on +386 40 530 718! Or you can also write us an email. Our email is [email protected]. Don’t wait! Exapnd your business to European Union!
Learn more about business in Slovenia
Double-entry bookkeeping system (accounting)
Double-entry bookkeeping is the most transparent way of recording. Under the system of double-entry bookkeeping keep their books all corporations, institutions, associations (with exceptions) and large entrepreneurs. It is done on the basis of the chart of accounts to the general ledger. This is prepared by the Slovenian Institute of Auditors.
Regulations governing the area of accounting in the Republic of Slovenia are the Slovenian Accounting Standards. The Slovenian company may also choose to use International Financial Reporting Standards. It is mandatory to conduct two major books. These are general ledger and journal. In addition to the basic books are kept also analytical records. They explain the basic general ledger accounts. These are account of material, products, customers, suppliers etc. But you need to keep also other auxiliary books. For example fixed assets register imprest system book etc. Keeping ledgers is not compulsory if authentic data, which is usually received on the basis of ledgers, is being provided another way. With the exception of fixed assets register.
Company registration in Slovenia
DATA can help you!
Does all this sounds complicated? Don’t worry! If you choose DATA as your partner we will take care of accounting! We will not help you start to business in Slovenia! We will help you also after your company is registered! As already mentioned. We offer accounting services and tax and legal consultation! We also have department for foreigners. They can help you with obtaining work and residence permits! Call us if you want to know more about our services! We are available on +386 40 530 718! You can also write us an email at [email protected]. Open company with our help! Don’t wait! Exapand your business to Europe!
Read more about immigration to Slovenia
Accounting services in Slovenia
Accounting services in Slovenia are an important business function of each company. It includes bookkeeping and accounting. Bookkeeping is the recording of transactions in the books, accounting as a broader concept covers budgeting, accounting and business planning. Accounting for small businesses is different from bigger companies since the volume and complexity varies.
Accounting services as a business function should be organized within the company. But nevertheless micro, small and medium-sized businesses tend to prefer “outsoursing”. This is an external partner – accounting services. Why choosing external accouning services? There are more reasons. Some of them are related to costs. Salaries of accountants range from 1200 EUR on the net. What else? It is difficult to find efficent and experienced staff as well!
A lot smaller business choose to keep their books themsleves. Or they ask for help of family members. They believe available software is not difficult. But problem arise when there is visit from inspctors. Or when there increased volume of business. Then bookkeeping is simply not enough. In this case you need experienced accountants. And we can help you with that! Then don’t wait! We understand business people! So, call us on +386 40 530 718!
Choose DATA – more than 33 years of experience!
The advantages of accounting services are professionalism and affordability. Especially if we compare it with regular employment. In the major accounting services it is easier to combine comprehensive support for companies in their business. From booking to consulting, expert reports etc.
Do you want more information about company registration? Then don’t wait! Contact us! Via e-mail [email protected]. Or call us on +386 40 530 718! You can also follow us on Facebook.
Wonder why is Data the right partner for you if you want to start a business in Slovenia? First of all, we can provide you with the best support. Therefore it is wise to have good advisors in the beginning. Let us anwser your questions before and after you start your business. At Data, we understand business people. In other words, our consultants will provide you with full support in the entire company registration process. Don’t wait! Contact us. We will be more than happy to help you!
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