Tag - webinars

investment opportunity in slovenia

Investment opportunity in Slovenia/EU

Investment opportunity in Slovenia Investment opportunity in Slovenia is a great lead to further success and also to start a business. Do you want to invest in real estate in Europe? Foreign entrepreneurs also often choose Slovenia to open a company and invest in real estate. This includes other fixed assets of the company through the opening of a company. [...]

Business expansion to Slovenia and the EU - free webinar

Business expansion to Slovenia and the EU – free webinar

Business expansion to Slovenia and the EU Business expansion to Slovenia and the EU is a topic that every entrepreneur who already has his own company and wants to expand his business scope is thinking about. With the company in Slovenia, the European market is accessible. And also in that way entrepreneurs have new chances to expand their business [...]

License for tourism in your company in Slovenia /EU

License for tourism in your company in Slovenia /EU

License for tourism in your company in Slovenia / EU  License for tourism in your company in Slovenia is important for those who are part of tourism services in Slovenia. Licenses for the organization and sale of travel packages are important for the legal implementation of these activities in the market. Next, we explain who, how and under what conditions can [...]

Informative webinar on business and life in SloveniaEU

Informative webinar on business and life in Slovenia/EU

Informative webinar on business and life in Slovenia/EU: new dates in August! Would you like to learn more about life and business in Europe? Slovenia offers a great choice for both. It is an EU country, which is also in the Schengen zone. Due to the geographic location and good economic predictions, it is a popular choice among foreign business [...]

Slovenia information free webinars about business in SloveniaEU!

Slovenia information: free webinars about business in Slovenia/EU!

Slovenia information: get all the data about life and business in Slovenia in our free webinars! For more than one year, experts at DATA have been hosting free webinars where they share Slovenia information about life and business in the country. Many participants have gotten valuable data about starting a business in Slovenia. Become one of them and apply to [...]

Free live webinars about life and business in SloveniaEU apply now!

Free live webinars about life and business in Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Free live webinars: learn about Slovenia by attending our webinars! As the global markets are improving after the pandemic, business in Europe has become quite a popular chocice for foreign business people. They opt to start a new business or expand their business to new markets. Because of the location and good economic growth, Slovenia has become a popular choice [...]

Free webinars about SloveniaEU learn all about business from experts!

Free webinars about Slovenia/EU: learn all about business from experts!

Free webinars about Slovenia are a great way to learn all about life and business in Slovenia and EU! When starting a new business in Europe, your first step will be choosing the country to set up your business. Slovenia has been a popular choice in the last years. The economic growth, good location in EU and high life standard [...]

Free online presentation on business in SloveniaEU

Free online presentation on business in Slovenia/EU

Free online presentation on various topics of business in Slovenia! Start a business in Europe by opening a company in Slovenia! Do you want to learn more on how you can do business in Slovenia and also move here? Then do not hesitate and apply for our free online presentation! We are carrying out two webinars both of which are [...]

Business webinars about SloveniaEU apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: apply now!

Business webinars about Slovenia/EU: attend our free webinars in June and July! If you plan to expand your business in Europe, we suggest Slovenia as your business destination. Why? Because Slovenia offers a great starting point to do business. This is because it is located in Central Europe. Because of this it is a hub to export your products and [...]

News about SloveniaEU business news in our free webinars!

News about Slovenia/EU: business news in our free webinars!

News about Slovenia/EU – attend our free webinars for company registration and business immigration! The best way to learn about business in Europe and life in a country is to ask an expert. At DATA, we have 40 experts who are set to help foreign business people with their business in Slovenia. As not everyone also has the option to [...]